Today’s guest is Justin Boothby, videographer for Inflooens Media. Former Southeastern University Grad.
Verse of the Day
My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Psalm 62:7
Santiago Leon
Welcome to the instant Bible cast, where we share a quick devotion for all you guys to be inspired and and also to be blessed. The episode is brought to you by instant Bible app, you’re able to get the instant Bible app on the Apple App Store. You can share verses and share it to the world. The verse of the day is my salvation and my honor depend on God. He is my He is my mighty rock my refuge. So Tom 62. Evan, today guest is a person that I met a couple years, actually more than 10 years ago in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We stayed in touch through Facebook. I saw him again in Florida, about eight years ago. A Mr. I sent boothby Welcome to the Bible cast.
Justin Boothby
Hey, man, thanks for having me. I appreciate you bringing me on.
Santiago Leon
So Justin, tell us, what are you up to these days?
Justin Boothby
These days, I’m actually a full time videographer. That’s, that’s my job. And I definitely enjoy it. We got to do a video submission for HGTV recently, which was a blast. Definitely one of my biggest Video Productions I’ve done so far. And
Santiago Leon
yeah, so that’s where I’m at. And I remember, um, you are at Southeastern University, and you went to Liberty as well. And also at region. So you’ve been to the three schools I’ve been to, but my sister went to southeastern. So there’s definitely a connection there when it comes to school wise.
Justin Boothby
Yeah, for sure. southeastern, both southeastern and region, just absolutely phenomenal schools. I truly missed the professors that were there. And
Santiago Leon
yeah, it was good time. I remember we were having a conversation on Facebook, you were asking questions about what is a good leadership podcast or a Christian Leadership podcast and you got a lot of responses.
Justin Boothby
I did
Santiago Leon
What, what type of answers were you getting?
Justin Boothby
I mean, I got them all across the border. But the one that I really love that I’ve just been listening to almost every week is the Carrie new half leadership podcast, right? That one has just been transformational for me. Now, I did get the Craig Rochelle one as well, which I had already been listening to. So Craig Rochelle Carey, new Hoff, those guys have been putting out some phenomenal content,
Santiago Leon
which I saw Craig Michelle, last year at a conference and the guy he’s amazing, like, not just he’s a pastor, but he does have a CEO mindset as well. So I definitely trust his leadership skills. If he had he had a podcast.
Justin Boothby
He was actually our commencement speaker at southeastern and you know, when you’re at commencement, You don’t necessarily remember much, especially when you’re in a super packed place. And it’s Florida in May. But I definitely remember he said this one thing, your generation is entitled and you need to get it together. why that’s so true. And it’s so true. It’s stuck with me for 10 years later it’s it’s still a huge problem in our in our culture generation,
Santiago Leon
which a kind of translates to people in the 20s and possibly the 30s. Was Craig big back then, or was he kind of like, started getting popular back then?
Justin Boothby
Yeah, he was just starting to like come onto the scene as far as like a more of a megachurch pastor, right. Definitely know where to where he is today. But
Santiago Leon
yeah, yeah. Because I know he started his app back back when like the iPhone started so it was like kind of four years in, but I think he was probably a little bit less expensive to book on a graduation commencement. Anyway, We’re gonna pray and then we’ll have Justin take over and and also that touches to share what God is telling him in his heart. Lord, we thank You, Lord for today. Lord, we thank You for Your goodness and your grace. Lord, we thank you for people out there that are relying on you and we pray for people out there that need you, Lord, or need encouraging word and we pray through Justin Holy Spirit, speak through his heart. And I let people’s minds be changed in their hearts, and they can have an encounter with you in Jesus name. Amen. Go ahead, justice.
Justin Boothby
Amen. Well, hey, once again, thanks for bringing me on. I saw this morning that the verse was and of course you said it. Psalm 62 seven, my salvation and my honor depend on God. He is my mighty rock and my refuge. And I’m very much big on salvation and the idea of the name of Jesus, which is Yeshua, which means salvation. So I thought I’d talk a little bit about where we see the name of Jesus in the Hebrew Bible, a lot of people use the term Old Testament, I use the term Hebrew Bible. I just always try to be sensitive to the Jewish believers. But anyways, so in Exodus 14, we have this series of events that happens right after the Israelites leave Egypt. And so we have Moses, they’re going out and they’re going to the Red Sea, the Red Sea, whatever you want to call it, they come to a place where they cannot go any further. And so, of course, the Israelites start complaining because who wouldn’t when you see the Egyptian army coming towards you, so the Egyptian army is heading their way and the Israelites start complaining and saying, was it because there weren’t any graves in Egypt that you decided that you were going to just bury us out here and kill us all out here? And so I think like most of us, we would probably be complaining as well. We often I think we often look at the Israelites and say, Oh, you guys were just such idiots like you had everything going for you, you finally got out of Egypt. Clearly God’s doing something miraculous, and you’re still complaining. But the truth is that we complain to. And even though we may not necessarily have a big red fire guiding us, we still have the Holy Spirit guiding us. And today what we’re going to be talking about is not just salvation, but what it means to be still, and to be dependent and to listen to God. And so to get back to this story here, the Israelites to get to this place where they can’t go any further. And I just imagine the scene where Moses kind of takes a second he goes off to the side and he starts praying to God like, Alright God, what the heck is going on here? All right, you did all this work, what is going on? And Moses says to the Israelites, and I’m sure it was something that came directly from God. He says, watch and do not be afraid because Today, you will see my salvation, you will see my issue. So we have this imagery of Jesus in the Old Testament, the Hebrew Bible and Exodus 14. And what happens? God parts the See, God does a miraculous thing. But one of the interesting things that we find here is that the Israelites could not save themselves. This idea of salvation, this idea of honor, just as it says in Psalm 62. Seven is that it all depends on God. God is the one who gives that salvation God is the one who grants out salvation. Now, of course, the Israelites had to walk through the parted waters. They’re the ones that had to actually physically walk through. But God was the one that part of the sea God was the one that caused salvation. And just like for us as Christ followers, we cannot save ourselves. We need God’s Yeshua we need God’s salvation, that It comes through Jesus. And ultimately, yes, we have to walk into that salvation, we have to walk into that life of deliverance. But we are not the ones who deliver ourselves. It is God who delivers us. And as we walk into this new life, we get to a place where we’re not really sure necessarily what God is doing next. So for the Israelites, they thought they knew what God was doing next, and then he made the wait for 40 years. Hopefully, that doesn’t always happen to us. But all throughout Scripture, what we see is people who have to wait on God, and we have to be in tune to what God is doing and saying, otherwise, not only could we miss it, but we might actually do the wrong thing. So we have Abraham, right. We have Abraham and Sarah. He’s waiting for his child to be born. What does he do? Well, Sarah actually has him with somebody else. And you know, we have this extended waiting period of time, we have Saul, who was, you know, he had every opportunity to be the greatest King, but he just did not listen. And it caused him to lose the kingdom.
Justin Boothby
We have Joseph, right, who goes through this whole series of events, all waiting on God the entire time. But everything that happened during that waiting period was essential for what was going to come next. And when we’re looking at it in current, Current Affairs, current events, we’re all in this waiting period. I mean, we have Corona virus right now, that has just crippled the world. You see what’s going on everywhere. And there’s a certain element of panic. I know that when it all started to happen, my wife and I both just felt like, you know, we were in a state of panic. We didn’t really know what was going on. And I think it’s really caused everybody to settle down a little bit in the sense of like, you can’t go out you can’t do everything and and this idea of dizziness, right, we’ve all been so busy for so long that now we actually finally have a time where we can rest a little bit. Now don’t get me wrong, I think a lot of people are probably working even extended hours because of course some people have lost jobs some people need to work extra hours for their job. But for the most part, I think a lot of people have entered into a more of a resting period, which is a good thing. We need rest. And so as we’re talking about what it means to wait on God. What I’d like to do here is read a few of my favorite verses. And we have Isaiah 40. I don’t know Santiago Have you ever done lectio Divina before I have not okay. I’m very big on luxio it’s a great way to like, relax, to pause and to just read through Scripture and allow it to like really soak in. Oh, cool. Try it out. Yeah, it’s, I’ve been I’ve been doing it I’m actually doing a reading on on YouTube. So I just started doing that recently, just to help people. I think a lot of people don’t really know exactly what to pray all the time. They don’t know what scriptures to read. That’s true. Takes a really small piece of Scripture and just allows it to soak in and really reflect on what God’s speaking Hey, smell that l EC t i o. And then space Divina de IVIN. I will
Santiago Leon
google it go on.
Justin Boothby
Yeah, so it’s, it’s like an ancient monastic reading of the Bible. Yeah, so I figured I read Isaiah 4028 31 since it’s a little bit relevant to us today, do you not know, Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the week. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall. But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not be faint. And so we have this idea of hoping or waiting on the Lord.
Justin Boothby
Sorry, I’m turning to Psalm 46. Here.
Justin Boothby
We have this idea of waiting on the Lord and not doing something until necessarily he speaks or until he prompts us to do something. And as we saw with Saul, right He was commanded to wait for Samuel and Samuel wasn’t coming Samuel was actually late. And then Saul goes ahead and does something he shouldn’t have done simply because he wasn’t. He didn’t wait on God. He didn’t wait for everything to take place. So, Psalm 46, we have this, this scene where you know, everything is in turmoil, everything crazy is going on. And what does he say? He says, Be still and know that I am God. And so while we’re in this period of coronavirus, and quarantine, and all of those things, for some of us, this is the perfect opportunity to be still, this is the perfect opportunity to wait on God to spend time with God and to really figure out what he’s trying to do and what he’s going to do next. Not to say that we have to have some major prophetic revelation about what God is going to do. I’m not talking about any of that. I’m simply talking about remaining in God And listening to what he has to offer us. So when you look at john 15, right, we have this idea of Jesus being the true vine, and we are branches that are with him and that when we abide in Him, we kind of know what he’s doing. And so I think that’s important, too, that when we, when we read your scripture, when we spend time in prayer, I’m not saying those are the only ways of growing spiritually or being in tune with God, but really listening to what the Holy Spirit is trying to speak to us. That is going to help us to discern what God wants of us and what God is maybe going towards next. So, once again, our salvation and our honor depend on God. Everything depends on God. And timing is key. Unfortunately, we don’t know all of God’s timing. Unfortunately, we don’t know what he’s going to do next. But we can be ready and we can be prepared. And I think the Isaiah 4020 Through 31 verses is perfect on that. Those who hope those who wait on the Lord knew their strength. And so remember that when you’re walking through your week when you’re walking through your days, especially right now, and you’re probably in quarantine, like the rest of us. Spend some extra time just waiting on the Lord, spend some time hoping on what God is going to do next. And you’ll recognize, I think, in those moments, that he is your rock, that he is your refuge. And once again, everything depends on God. And yeah, that’s, that’s pretty much what I have for us today. Just to make sure that we’re spending time waiting and hoping on the Lord.
Santiago Leon
Amen. Yes. We should very much Justin Yes. And guys out there that are that who has anxiety that who that are impatient, maybe they’re home and maybe they’ve been home for three weeks or so. This is a Good moment just to rely on God depend on God. There’s one word that I’ve been talking about for the past two weeks, I just meet other people as well the word reset. people that need to, like who’ve been going like hundred miles per hour for the past couple of years, needed this break to stop just to refresh, just to quench themselves a little bit, the whole of Wow, I feel good like this past Saturday. I slept, like more than eight hours. I never sleep more than eight hours typically. Um, but Justin, can you pray for people out there that, um, who need that peace who need that reliance to to have that assurance that God is there?
Justin Boothby
Yeah, absolutely. And, and just to speak to what you just said for a second. I’ve been leading a small group on seven practices for spiritual growth. It’s a curriculum that I wrote, but yesterday we spoke on Sabbath. And I think there are a lot of Christians who have fallen into this idea that you have to be busy doing something or else you’re sitting, you know, if you’re not doing something for the Lord, you’re, you’re not doing what God has for you. And that’s not what we find in Scripture at all that actually taking a rest that having a Sabbath once a week that, that spending time with the Lord is actually holy and good and, and that’s something that he commanded us to do. And so, for any of you out there who are worried, like oh my gosh, I’m not doing something. It’s okay. God commanded us to rest and it’s a good and a holy thing. So I just wanted to point that out. Wrestling is not said,
Santiago Leon
No, it’s not. It’s very good. Jesus did a seventh day.
Justin Boothby
Amen. All right, let’s pray.
Justin Boothby
Lord, we know that these are uncertain times. And we know that even though there’s so much chaos going around us, we know that you’re in control. We know that you are the one who leads us who guides us. Besides the waters, you’re the one who makes sure that you know The world is going crazy that you are there with us. And so Lord, I pray for everybody out there who is anxious, who is nervous, who is maybe in a state of panic, maybe maybe their chest feels tight or, or their their head is hurting whatever is going on with them. Lord, I pray that you would just be beside them, and that you would be with them. Lord, I pray that you would allow this time to be a time of renewal, a time of rejuvenation, time of refreshing. And as Santiago said, a time of reset for so many of us. And Lord, we’re excited for what you’re going to do next. And we just hope and pray that you’ll guide us abundantly in this next season of life forward. In your name, we pray Jesus, amen.
Santiago Leon
Amen. And Lord, we thank you Lord for today. Lord, we pray for people out there that need healing Lord for any type of disease coronavirus if they have it, we pray in Jesus name for healing We also pray for anyone that who’s sick that has cancer or we pray for healing any issue with lungs in Jesus name. heal it, Lord and out there receive receive that healing acts God and he’ll give it to you in Jesus name. And Lord we thank you Lord for today Lord, we thank You for Your goodness and your kindness and your peace Lord, speak to us Lord through this time Lord This is definitely not this is a unusual time but Lord there’s always a reason for all this. And we pray that that through this time that people could find you in Jesus name they could find the truth people out there that that who don’t know you’re in panic or they could find you the truth they could be resting under your wings in Jesus name. Amen. Guys. If you have any prayer requests any praise report, you can always deema was messaged us on the comments you could DM me directly or if you go to the Bible on Twitter, you’re able to dm us or at reply to us on the Facebook message us if you want to keep it private. And we’d like to share this in the future shows. Coming up. Justin, what is the best way to reach you online?
Justin Boothby
Yeah, so I have website j and boost be calm. And you can also find me at just about any social media outlet at j n boothby, j and boothby. And of course, you can reach us at the insert Bible. app.com is the Bible app.com. Every day, there’s a verse of the day
Santiago Leon
posted in the blog or any and also any information about the app, were you able, you know, if you need a reading plan, we have reading plans on the app as well. And all all the books of the Bible is there, five translations and IV na T and the message. You definitely look that up and we have a cast every week. Around this time of the week, not just a sports cast if anyone knows about it, but we’ll we’ll see what happens. Justin you’re a you’re a Pittsburgh Steelers fan right? I am. Okay. I mean I you’re hardcore that you know you watch every game or is it just like some games? No.
Justin Boothby
Honestly over the last few years I have not been watching every game number one I just don’t have time. Like I have so many things going on. I don’t have time. And you know, there was so much drama with a bee and love Belle. I’m like, you know what there was I don’t have time for all this crap.
Santiago Leon
Leave it to video and God I think that is sufficient. That just seems and also family. So I’m a huge penguins
Justin Boothby
fan. I love hockey. I will say that I don’t watch every game there either. But I love hockey way more than I love football.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. My my sports cast contributor who was in Pittsburgh about a few weeks ago. He says the second biggest team in Pittsburgh is the penguins. Yeah.So
Justin Boothby
Yeah, well the pirates have done that to themselves.
Santiago Leon
Well, Justin, always a pleasure. God bless.
Justin Boothby
Thanks, man. Appreciate it.
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