Episode #14: Anna Khait, Former Survivor Castmate

InstaBible Podcast
InstaBible Podcast
Episode #14: Anna Khait, Former Survivor Castmate

Today’s guest is Anna Khait a social media influencer who I found via Twitter and has a bible study every week.

Verse of the Day
Psalm 121:1-2 – A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

In this episode, Anna Khait shares a message on “In Time as such as this” and shares from the book of Ruth, a reminder of being the Bride of Christ.


Santiago Leon
It’s the Bible cast welcomes temporary loving 2020. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our channels YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And please rate us on iTunes. Give us a good five stars and a review will help us out in the rankings. And of course, visit us on Insta Bible app website. And also is the Bible app, one on Twitter. Give us a follow. And you can download this the Bible app on the iOS App Store. go search for it and you can download it. Look at the verses make a picture and share to the world. The verse of the day is songs 121 one to two, a song of a sense I lift my eyes to the mountains where does My help comes from? My help comes from Lord the maker of heaven and earth. Um, today we have a special guest. I’m Anna Kate. I saw her on on Twitter she held holds a weekly Bible study on Periscope. And she’s very influential on the web. And, and we got Anna Kate, to the into the Bible cast. Welcome.

Annie Khait
Hey, thank you so much for having me. It’s such an honor and a blessing to be with all of you right now.

Santiago Leon
Yes, of course. You’re in Brooklyn. I know a lot going on today in New York City. September 11th. Tell us a little bit about yourself. And yeah, a little bit about yourself.

Annie Khait
Yeah, man, what a horrible day. It’s it’s always it’s always the toughest day to, you know, to remember and it’s it’s unbearable to go on social media and see all those images again, because it brings back that flood of memories. You know, it’s so clear to us that And even to non believers to the extent of wickedness in the world and that you know the need of God, the need to hear God’s word. You know, the need to preach the gospel. It’s so important nowadays, especially in a day like today. Amen. Well, I’m Anna and I was born in the Soviet Union. I moved to America when I was a little, little little child, I was four years old, to came here for better opportunities. Basically, I was going to go to medical school, decided to put that on hold. And I became a professional poker player. I got on the show survivor. And after I filmed survivor, I got back home and again at that time, I was an atheist. And actually my entire testimony, I’m going to be posting it on my YouTube channel soon I just recorded it and just waiting for the Lord to release when to release it. He told me wait till I let let you know let it go and I am waiting. So it should be up soon. Hopefully And basically after I film survivor, I got back home to New York where I live. And actually at that time, I was living in New Jersey, playing poker for a living. And basically, I am lost my passion for survivor lost my passion for poker. I know now the Lord cleanse that addiction out of me, didn’t realize I was addicted, but I got really passionate into politics, which was weird, because I’ve always been very apolitical. And then I found the Lord during that transition. And you know, it was had basically he broke me down to like on my knees and got rid of arrogance, pride, you know, atheistic views that came in agnostic, and I was like, Lord, I’m starting to believe you’re real. They’re, they’re real. They missed out in the world. And if people are following Satan, and if Satan is real, that means that God is real and I want to follow you. And so I you know, and the Lord brought Someone my way and told me about God and I had ears to hear. And he led me here I was anticipating him to speak and he did through a messenger he sent and basically reminded me, something happened to me when I was 18 in Jerusalem, where the Lord opened up the heavens to me as I was a blaspheming God at the Western Wall, when I was 18 years old, with my friends, blaspheming God making fun of people praying, I said, Look at these idiots praying to a God that doesn’t exist. And the Lord and His grace and in His mercy opened up the heavens poured out His Spirit. I mean, that’s the whole testimony is going to be in my video on YouTube, but I’m changed my life forever. I’ve been born again. And you know, it took me time. When I was after I was saved, the Lord started speaking to me and I started reading his word. I didn’t have any Christian friends. So it took me time to, you know, realize that certain things were sin, you know, and but God is good and he’s, he showed me everything and you He’s give me dreams and visions and certain words and prophetic words that have come true and I’m not a prophet, but the Lord has spoken so mightily and done so many things in my life that is just absolutely amazing. He’s amazing. And he’s so patient with us. So, I know that’s a long introduction, so I apologize.

Santiago Leon
No, no, that’s fine. Amen. Um, we’re going to prayer and then we’ll dive into your devotion the Word of God. Lord, we thank you Lord for today. Lord, we thank You for Your goodness and your grace. Lord, we thank You Lord, that you’re moving through people today and you’re touching people in this broadcast in Jesus name, Lord, and and we pray that you’ll guide Anna through the word and what you have for us today in Jesus name. Amen.

Unknown Speaker
ami, all you

Santiago Leon
take the stairwell

Annie Khait
Okay, I actually didn’t Somebody’s supposed to devotional

Santiago Leon
Yes, yes, that was the goal. But if not, I mean,

Annie Khait
no, I totally could let me let me grab my Bible. Okay. Okay, give me one second Yeah, go ahead.

Santiago Leon
As we wait, we are we are are obviously going through the devotional cast the instant Bible app is started back in 2013 and it’s been growing ever since it’s been growing ever since Of course adding new updates you know, getting adjusted to the new system with Apple gets a little bit technology go but hopefully add new additions there’s a new update coming soon. I promise you guys and hopefully two weeks but Apple’s approval office process has been a kind of slow sluggish because there been a little bit more guidelines more regulation. So anyways, and is back.

Annie Khait
Yeah, I I that’s so funny. Um, okay, so it’s actually fantastic. That we’re doing this right now because there is something I wanted to say. And it’s been on my heart that the Lord put on my heart months ago, and actually in my Periscope, in my Bible study this past Monday, which we just started this Bible study and, you know, praise the Lord glory to Him of just, you know, reading the Word together and just diving in and studying and getting into the Greek getting into the Hebrew going in deeper verse by verse. And I forgot to mention, I forgot to mention at the end of the study on the Book of Esther, this past Monday, I forgot to kind of sum it up in terms of the symbolism of the characters we see in that book. So this is fantastic. So we are going to have a devotional today on Esther The Book of Esther so turned to it I’m reading from a KJV but this story is so beautiful in that First of all, it’s the first book, the one of two books that is named after a woman, Esther and Ruth. And it’s also one of two books where we the name of God Yahweh is never mentioned. The other book that is never mentioned goddess songs of Solomon. never mentioned God but you see his have working behind the scenes to protect and save His people because of him remembering the covenant that he has with the Jewish people, to save them from their enemy. And their enemy in this case in the story is Haman. Haman who was an melkite he was a child of ad he’s an aggregate or a malikai. Either way, King a gag was the king of the Amalekites, which in Exodus, Exodus, I think it’s 1714 Exodus 1714, where God promised to annihilate the Amalekites that a day was coming where he will annihilate the Amalekites because they weren’t enemies of The Jews. And so Haman. And by the way, this is interesting too. Satan is well aware of the Word of God. Right? He knows the word. That’s why he always twists it. He always tries to sow seeds of doubt within us. Satan also knows his time is short. Right? Revelation 12 tell he knows his time is short. So, knowing Satan, knowing the Word of God, knowing his time is short, knowing the Messiah supposed to come, and then he’s supposed to come a second time, right back in the right and during the ancient times. That is why Satan has always there’s two ways that Satan can evade, try to avoid judgment. One is annihilate the Jews. Therefore the Messiah never comes. Therefore His judgment ever comes or to assimilate the Jews. Having them assimilate into the world and lose their you know, the seed of the Messiah that is to come and also lose their you know, their question. Their tradition, their their Jewish identity, the lose the covenant that they have with the Lord. That’s why the Lord said an exodus to be separated. The Jews are to be separated and to not intermarry with the Gentiles and lose their identity lose the covenant, right become an adulterous generation. The Lord was like, No, don’t have any. Don’t be an eye doctor, follow God. So Satan has always tried to annihilate the Jews. You know, obviously Hitler, but going back before the Messiah, Pharaoh, right wanted to kill all the Jews at the end. harrowed wanted to kill Jesus. Haman also wanted to annihilate the Jews. So but God is sovereign, God is good and God keeps his promises He’s faithful. So he kept his promise to Esther and Mordecai and the Jewish people that were living under mesopic meso Persia. So Persia just in the book of Esther, purrs are just defeated. Actually, it’s not not just but it’s called About like 30 or 40 years in, after the Babylonian exile of the 10 tribes of Israel, they were exiled into Babylon. Under Nebuchadnezzar, right Daniel went to Babylon and so did shadrach, meshach and abednego. And the other Jewish people went into exile. Well, Persia became a mighty Empire and defeated Babylon, Babylon. And essentially Jews were free they were free to go back to Israel. But a lot of them didn’t go a you can think about it this way. Well, maybe they had a lot. They were probably telling themselves there’s so much stuff to carry, you know, going back to Israel, Jerusalem, everything is in ruins. We have to rebuild everything. It’s a lot of work. And Ezra Nehemiah went back with about I think it was like 2500 Jews, not a lot. Not a lot at all. There’s like, you know, hundreds of thousands of Jews and they don’t want to go back but they were supposed to go back because that was a promised land. That was their land, they’re free to go back. You know, eventually with King Cyrus also helped rebuild until the Jews go back and rebuild, go. So, during the time of Ester, students were free to go, but they didn’t. They decided to live there and stay there, which it’s always better to follow the will of God because they would have avoided this whole situation. But still God got the glory at the end. Because the Book of Esther is, again about Esther, Mordecai. They’re the main, you know, characters in the story, but they are, you know, Jewish descent with that Mordecai was also taken on to the Babylonian exile. And again, Haman, the wicked, Jew, the wicked advocate who wanted to annihilate the Jews because of his hatred and jealousy of Mordecai. So with that backstory, which I know we all know, you’re probably like, why are we going through this? We know. Well, here’s the beautiful part about the story. It’s symbolism in it right? The entire Old Testament point to Jesus, the Messiah, Yeshua Hama, Shia. And look at this beautiful representation of God. Because if you look at it this way, you’ll you’ll never see you’ll never see the story the same way again. And it’s a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness and his promise in his covenant to rescue his Jewish people. And basically the gala that payment had for Mordecai, the Jews, he was hung on his own gallows and he was defeated by God in the very supernatural amazing way. You know, the king having a dream and and going to the two feet two days of banquets with Esther but here’s what’s awesome. Let’s go through representation. God the Father is not really His name is not mentioned in this book. He’s working behind the scenes, but he sent a judge, a king, a mighty king sitting on the throne, with a golden scepter King Xerxes or King Osiris. Have a king aha Sara’s is a Jewish name and King Xerxes is the Persian name. So either way, but I will say the Joshua King Ahasuerus is sitting on the throne, mighty king of an A mighty Empire. Messel Persia was a huge empire. There was 127 provinces. There were, you know, his empire was growing, there were still so many little wars going on because he kept defeating so many different lands, which was why King Xerxes was always in the court. He was always in that mighty court, speaking to his general speaking to, you know, principles that we’re representing all these different provinces. And that’s why Esther was telling Mordecai, I can’t go into the court because he hasn’t called me in 30 days and I’m not supposed to I’m not Esther was not allowed to go into the court unless she was summoned by the king. So it’s back to up against Jesus. So God the Father is not seen, although we know he’s working and we know he’s there. He’s a spirit. King, the king King has Sarah sitting on the throne with a golden scepter. That’s represents Jesus sitting on his mighty throne over a massive Empire with his golden scepter, which we’ll talk about in a second. And judging the world, you know, judging people coming in his golden scepter What does that well, it was against the law, actually talk about the law really quickly. Any law that the king makes his law, the law is even higher than his own name, as it says in the Bible, as well. You know, the law is once the king makes a law he cannot go back on it. It is it’s a decree. It is it’s it becomes an edict and he can’t even go back on his own law. Same thing with God the Father and you know, Jesus Jesus. is the word of God made flesh. He can’t go back on his laws, you know the commandments. He can’t go back on, you know, saying, well, this is sin and it’s evil. He can’t go back and say, actually, you know, this sin is okay. No, he’s holy. He’s, he’s, he’s beautiful. He’s holy. He’s just he’s righteousness, he can’t go back. And as long as same thing with the King Ahasuerus he can’t go back on his law when he, you know, has put a decree and annihilate the Jews. So he’s, he’s a just judge who sticks to his laws. But he also has mercy and grace with the golden scepter when Esther walked in, on announced uncalled for she wasn’t summoned, that was against the law. But she received mercy and grace when the king extended his golden scepter when Jesus extends his golden scepter if she touches it, she’s forgiven. So if the So again, it’s against the law to walk in on announcement to the court of the king. And it’s instant death because if King doesn’t summon you, you’re put to death. But if he feels in his heart to have mercy and grace on you, the king has Sarris extended his golden scepter. Esther would touch it, and she was in the guards knew not to put a bag over her head and not kill her and sentenced her to death. So, here’s what’s beautiful. Esther wasn’t called in, you know, well, she she wasn’t allowed in. She wasn’t summoned in she wasn’t worthy to come in. But she walked in boldly, you know, meekly, you know, she walked in boldly, but she was meek because she was praying and fasting. She didn’t eat or drink and for three days, but she walked in boldly and she said, If I perish, I perish. She walks in boldly to the king of grace, King of glory. The King standing there in all His righteous judgment. walk to the king, king Jesus. And Jesus. King has the earth represenation King has Eris extended his golden scepter she didn’t deserve it. She wasn’t called in. She’s not worthy to be there. She you know, we’re all not worthy to walk into the throne to the throne of grace. We’re not. We’re all wearing dirty rags. It’s only by God’s grace by what Jesus did on the cross for us that it says that we can walk in boldly to the throne of grace, because of what Jesus did, but we have to actually touch Jesus, we actually have to know him have a relationship with him. You know that woman with the 12. The 12 year, blood disorder, blood disease, remember she she leaned over to touch the garments that Jesus was wearing, she knew she would be healed the power. You know that his anointing that he carried would save her and heal her So again touching Jesus touching the throne of grace and it’s only by His mercy that he extends the golden scepter. Right? Jesus is the golden scepter. Right that came to this world. He is just a He is the King of glory that extends his blood to anyone that wants to accept it. And so again, Esther was forgiven. Esther was forgiven for breaking the laws that would condemn her to death. Right, all of our sins are wages of sin is death. So we’re all worthy of death. Not glory, not not grace, not any. We don’t just we all deserve death. We all deserve the second death. We all deserve hell. But because of the kings glory and the Kings mercy, I should say, because of the kings, mercy and grace on us to see extend that golden scepter which is himself and his blood, his flesh. So praise God for that and again the Father God the Father is you know God the Father it says in the word has given and Isaiah. What is that Isaiah? It’s actually no it’s dang well, Sunday as well. But God the Father has is going to give the Messiah the prophecy was God the Father was come actually from Daniels Well, I think Daniel 27, where the anointed one is going to be given all power, all authority, all dominions on the earth, all the Dominion on the earth. So, Father God gave Jesus and Jesus even said it when you know in Matthew and Mark, he said, I’ve been given all power and all authority on the earth. See the Messiah. Jesus is going to be judging, judging the earth right Father, God gave Jesus full Dominion full authority to judge the earth. He came to this world as a servant as a suffering servant. The first time on a meek meekly on a donkey donkey represents peace. And he is going to return on a mighty horse mighty beautiful white horse horse represents King’s kingship. It means, you know, it means strength. He’s coming back as a mighty king. He’s not coming back on a donkey. He came like that the first time to save the world. The second time he comes is to judge the world as a mighty king. So it’s beautiful in the story, that King of Osiris represents Jesus, King of glory, sitting there. Again, having Mercy on us and grace on us and being able again in the New Testament, walking into the, to the throne of grace, boldly, knowing that he’s gracious, and he’s merciful, and He’s faithful. And Esther asked for help, you know, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be open. She knocked on his door, you know, she knocked on his heart when she was standing in front of him and then she got you No. And the second time she fell on her knees crying. She walked again second time on announced, again broke the law. And again he had mercy on her the second time and she begged and pleaded for him to save the save the Jewish people from annihilation from Haman. And sure enough, the king answered the king responded and the king was good. He couldn’t change the law. So he made an extra decree an extra edict that said that the Jews are able to defend themselves and they were able to defend themselves and then they’re, you know, which made the which was a big sell. It’s a big celebration poram feast of poram, the 13th and 14th day of March. The reason why it’s two days is because the first day the Jews fought back on the 13th they were able to fight back and on the 14th day, the king Ester requested if they can also kill any leftover enemies of the Jews, right? Haman had 10 sons. Haman was hung in his own gallows, were hanged on his own gallows, his 10 sons We’re probably freaking out so they all probably stayed home because they weren’t killed on the 13th day. But Esther requested from the king Hey, can we kill the rest of the enemies right? Let’s Let’s kill payments 10 sons that are sitting at home because they are the ancestral lineage of the Amalekites have a gag the king and they are the ancient it’s this ancient feud between the Jewish people and the Amalekites. So the king said yes, so the 14th day the Jews went and killed any other leftover enemies that’s why they paint 10 sounds of payment they cut off that generation all their families and their children as well were killed. They were they you know they were smiling. So such a beautiful story of again, you know, Queen Esther represents us represents the bride and the bride. So here’s what’s also beautiful interesting to understand and put into perspective Queen Basti, there was too bright In the story right to Queens and the story, Queen Vashti and Queen Esther, Queen Vashti represented legalism, the law, she also represented disobedience. Right? So Queen Vashti when the king in the beginning of the store in the first chapter of Esther when the king in his drunk stupor with you know, in his hundred and 80 day feast, great mighty feast, you know, showing off his glory, you know, that doesn’t represent Jesus but, you know, obviously the world is a Gentile King, you know, pagan king, so he was, you know, in all his glory showing off 180 day feast with all the princes in the provinces and all the common people were coming into feast and enjoy and celebrate in shoeshine the palace, also known as Susa, and um, the end of that, at the end of that feast that lasts seven days, he was so drunk. He is not being not in his right mind. He summoned the queen to come and show off her beauty. Now back in the day, Queens rarely came out. It was very rare Queen was always private always, you know, tucked away hidden away. She would be with her, you know, her women in her palace. You know, it was they had like separate homes, they live together, but she had separate place for her and the women and the Queen never came out. It was very rare. So for the king, if he wasn’t drunk, he probably would have never done this but he was so drunk that he told his seven Chamberlain to go get her and Queen Vashti felt I’m not going to be embarrassed. I’m not going to be, you know, for queen to come out to common people and show herself off. It was very disrespectful. I would just honor her. It would just honor her. So Queen Vashti knowing the law right legalism knowing the law in terms of nice. I mean, it’s, it’s not even on the lights, it’s like an on. It’s like an unspoken law, the Queen doesn’t come out period. So, being carrying too much of what she would look like and embarrass herself, she decided not to come out. She disobeyed the king. The king, obviously in his wrath in his fury, got rid of her and had a beauty contest and Esther was picked and she became the new queen, Queen Esther, on the other hand was the she represents the bride of love, the bride of relationship. You know, whatever the king asked her she would do humbly meek, not answering back not being disobedient, being obedient. For example, you know, when we become born again Christians. Um, compare it to you know, Queen Vashti and Queen. Esther, Queen Vashti. If Jesus would say, Hey, can you go pray for that person? Put your hands on that person, pray for them. She would be like, No, I don’t want to embarrass myself. I’m gonna lose. Crazy. I don’t want to I’m not gonna do it. She’s in a disobedient, rebellious bride. Whereas Queen Esther doesn’t care she looks ridiculous, doesn’t care if you know being again following the Lord having your relationship with God, that you love him so much. You don’t care if you look ridiculous, you don’t care if you look ridiculous praying for someone’s knee. You don’t care if you look ridiculous preaching the gospel in the middle of the street, you don’t care. You don’t care because the world thinks you’re crazy. You look You look like you’re crazy to the world. But you’re doing it because you love him and you also love people and you love their souls and you want them to be saved. So it’s this you know dichotomy of two brides again, which is interesting too. Here’s another connection. Queen Vashti represents the Jewish people. Queen Vashti was exiled. Because of her disobedience because of her legalism. They’re essentially pushed aside she was pushed aside The King went to Esther, King once he the king, the Father God and Jesus, the Holy Spirit, they were searching for a bride for Jesus. That is not legalistic. That is a bride of love obedience. Right? When when the Jewish people betrayed Jesus and killed him I mean it was supposed to happen because that was the prophecy and thank God he fulfilled it. Thank god they did that even though it’s hard to say that but thank God they did because we wouldn’t have been saved if they didn’t do it. And praise God for His just obedience to the cross. He could have been on the cross and said you know what, everyone’s cursing and spitting on him. I mean, it’s like it says um, Psalm 22 that the you know, the dog that they’re like demons just around him and I’m sure it was obviously demonic. The situation spitting on him laughing at him and he could have just like, you know, a Father God, like, take me down. I’m done. I don’t want to do this. Like they don’t even they don’t deserve it. Instead of His mercy, he said, Lord, you know, they know not what they do forgive them forgive them for they know not what they do. But um, you know, the Jewish people follow the law, Jesus to them where it was blaspheming you know, john 858, which I just said to Bible study on this past Wednesday, john 858, where before Abraham was, I am, he called Jesus called himself God. And for the Jew, you know, the Pharisees, it was like, What? That’s blasphemy. And of course, if they don’t understand who Jesus was, to them, it is blasphemy. Right? A man calling himself God, but they don’t understand that the Son of Man the Messiah, is in fact, the Son of God is in fact God reincarnate. And God incarnate, not being pregnant God incarnate. So it’s this beautiful You know, it’s just like again, so the Jewish people. What essentially and you know, Babylonian exile Right into exile. They were under, you know, Persia, Persian, no exile, sort of, and, and again, Queen Vashti was pushed aside. And he went for his bride that he bride of love. And so, when you’re really born again you’re born of the Spirit. You’re a bride of love a bride of obedience. Right? Not a disobedient bride not not a bride of legalism and laws and this is what it says and not having a heart, you know, not having love for God. So, such a beautiful story in that I can’t believe I forgot to mention it in my Bible study. So I’m really happy. We’re doing this devotional

Santiago Leon
simulation if you retweeted Have you great

Annie Khait
Absolutely. I well, and I’m so silly to think this wasn’t a devotional I haven’t watched your show. So I was like, Oh, it’s a post I thought it was like an interview. I’m

Santiago Leon
just communicate a little bit but yeah, that’s okay.

Annie Khait
No, okay. Great, because it’s so good. Because the Lord reminded me last night I was I was reading and the Lord was like, and he had me put the book down and reminded me I’m Esther and I said, Oh my god, I forgot to see that. I’m so sorry. And I was going to make a video and put it up. And so here we are today. So I was like holla. Of course, of course, this is the way to

Santiago Leon
tie about this I will make

Annie Khait
my god reminded me last night, amen. God, my I’m like, okay, so Praise God. And it’s just such a beautiful, again, representation of Esther being the bride. Right? We’re being prepared. And here’s what’s also awesome about this book. So God the Father, we don’t see, right we don’t just we don’t talk about goddess, Father God is Spirit. Jesus is represented represented by King Osiris and you have the Holy Spirit, represented by how guy how guy, the kings, one of the king’s most beloved, Unix, Chamberlain’s right. And most trust most trusted nobleman who was in charge of the women, was in charge of the women’s house and how guy Had favor over Esther during the beauty contest right before she was chosen Queen after Vashti was exiled. The king was looking for a bride and found you know eventually found favor with Esther but before the king met Esther, she was being prepared for a year under the under had guy, six months of oils, six months of fragrances, you know everyday being oiled and lathered and prepared her body was being prepared right for the king, but also the bride was prepared with how to because again, these are all young virgins. These were all young virgins taken from 127 provinces. A lot of these young virgins were working on farms, you know, working in the market. They don’t know how to hold themselves as a queen. They don’t know though the laws as well as Queen Vashti did. So these brides have to be prepared. So how guy is a representation of the Holy Spirit? Preparing the bride preparing the church? Right? Because the bride is the church. Queen Esther the bride is the church. So how God the Holy Spirit has to prepare the bride for that. For that wedding feast with Jesus up in the air and you know in the rapture when it when it happens, when we get presented to Jesus, we’re going to be a perfect bride. for him. Holy and beautiful without blemish. And this preparation the Holy Spirit does when we get saved after we get born again and saved. We, you know, we’re saved under the blood, but there is sanctification, there is preparation. There’s spiritual growth in the Lord. Um, you know, he takes away he takes away something popped up my computer still here, okay. The Holy Spirit will take away certain things things out of your life and add new fruitful things out of your life the right the Holy Spirit will take out fruit less things in your life and give you fruit full things in your life. Um, from Esther he took away you know, the holy the hat guy was taking away her modern day mentality and he was giving her um, you know, how to hold yourself as a queen. He taught her etiquette how to hold herself in front of the king. How to hold herself in front of the common people. What are the laws? What can you do? What can’t you do? How can you approach the king how you can approach the king so she these virgins had to learn so much it’s a it was an intense preparation. It wasn’t it wasn’t easy and I’m sure probably through it she was like why am I here like this is like a this is this is quite a preparation. You know oils and lathering and fragrances sound beautiful, but it was an intense preparation for them. They have to learn a lot in one year and And so it’s the same thing with us, the bride of the church, we have to be sanctified, prepared by the Holy Spirit to be beautiful and blameless when we meet Jesus up in the air to be a worthy queen to be a worthy bride of the most worthy King. And so you have all three heads of the Trinity represented in the Bible in this book, and it’s a beautiful story. And, and you know, and then when Esther before she was a queen when she met the king, king, a hysteresis. When she was called to him, he instantly found favor with her because she was perfected without blemish in front of him. And he did something that kings he was actually not even supposed to do wasn’t even allowed to do. He instantly took the crown and the crown her Queen, normally he would have to wait He would usually go back and talk to his Chamberlain not to ask them for permission, but it would be customary where it would take a week or two, to make a decision to get all the formal arrangements together and then crown her. But he crowned her instantly in that moment. She was perfect for him. He felt so much in love with her into he had such favor for her. instantly. He didn’t want to see anyone I was like, nope, she’s it. This is my bride. Hug. I prepared her to the point where he recognized his queen, his bride, instantly. He didn’t have to wait. He said no, this is her. This is my queen. This is my bride. This is she’s worthy of being the queen of this entire Empire. And he gave her up to half the Empire. You know and, and which was interesting because in the in the Persian Empire, usually, you know, the king has all power and all glory and all control and the Queen doesn’t really, you know, she was kind of on the sideline. He wouldn’t ask For her opinion usually, but in Esther situation Esther was so exalted This is in historical literature as well. These name was his name was Herodotus, he was a Greek contemporary historian at the time. And he wrote about Esther and she was elevated to the point where she was he almost equal to the king. You know, obviously, the king was first and foremost, but she was elevated to, she was exalted to the point where King respected her opinion so much, that she was greatly loved, favored by the king and by the people. And he cared what she had to say he was ruling with her, not over her. He was ruling with her same thing when it’s you know, in Revelation and the prophecies of the bride of the church is that we will be ruling we will be co heirs and we will also be ruling over the entire earth with the King of glory. And so it’s and it’s so interesting because There’s a lot of even stone tablets left over of, you know, archaea tech, archaeological evidence for Queen Esther and obviously modern Persia is is modern day Iran. and Iran doesn’t like that history. They’ve basically essentially tried to wipe her name out. Because not only a was Esther, this Queen Esther, basically a ruler with King Ahasuerus or King Xerxes for them, but she was also a Jew. She was a Jewish Queen, that was, beloved was exalted, was treated like a king, you know, but, but you know, she was a Jew, so they wiped her out, but there’s still historical evidence of her so they can’t delete what happened in history. And again, it backs up what it says in the Bible. So again, you have God Father, God, Jesus, Esther, the church and hat guy, you know, the Holy Spirit and It’s just a beautiful representation. So, in that I will just end with how gracious and how merciful Jesus is.

Santiago Leon
And man, thank you Anna. Um, let’s get to prayer Lord, we thank You Jesus. We are the bride Lord and like what Anna mentioned about being spotless with no blemish in Jesus name teach us Lord to be spotless Lord, they will be ready for that day. When you come, Lord, it’s a reminder Lord, what you taught us Lord in the Bible that it’s gonna happen presently in Jesus name.

Annie Khait
Jesus mighty name, prepare us Lord God, prepare our prepare our hearts, our minds, our eyes, our ears for what’s to come, Lord God, may you just keep building our faith, Lord, give us the gift of just unquenchable faith, Lord. God just absolutely ready and prepared for the day of your coming Lord, to be like the five wise virgins, not the five foolish ones in Matthew 25 other God made the Holy Spirit continue to prepare us to continue to glorify Jesus. build up our faith or God built up our roots, build up our roots even deeper into you and to your word and to Jesus, Lord God and pray, Father God, that we are prepared. We are prepared, that we are made the beautiful, spotless, blameless when we meet Jesus. Father, prepare us for the evil that’s to come the persecution that’s to come Father God, because Father, you took me to Texas in 2017, Lord God and you spoke to me very clearly Lord God, and it broke my heart because I felt the Lord is I felt the Lord’s pain Lord, Jesus kept saying, My people are not prepared. My people are not prepared. He said at three times, my people are not prepared for what is coming. We’re not and I felt the spirit like we weren’t prepared to be martyrs. We weren’t prepared for the persecution. And we’re not prepared, Lord God for for even being in front of you, Lord, we need to be blameless, clean, sanctified, holy as our Father in Heaven is holy. And we Lord, we ask that you prepare us mentally Lord as well in our hearts for what’s coming, which is pure evil Lord, we already see it around us. We already have shows with pedophilia shows on Netflix, Lord God, it’s coming. It’s here, it’s here, and it’s going to only expand but Lord, I pray for your mercy, Lord, gone for your mercy that there’ll be a great mighty harvest before you return, Lord God, let there be a mighty harvest before you return. Lord God, prepare our minds or hearts or souls for God for what is coming, Lord, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Santiago Leon
Amen. Thank you so much. Wow. We’re really, really blessed with the word Something that I haven’t heard the Esther story in quite some time. But it’s definitely a quite a reminder of of the days coming. I’m not sure if these are the days it’s definitely closer than it was yesterday.

Annie Khait
Well, we well we are in the end days ever since Jesus you 2000 years. Yeah. So we are in the days you know, yeah, it’s leg day. Everyone has different different opinions. But I will say this Astro for 14 such a time with this. You know, with Esther.

Santiago Leon
That’s the that’s the title of this podcast probably

Annie Khait
such a time as this. That’s that. That absolutely should be the name of the title. Because such a time as this because I’ll say one more thing is that, you know, there it says in the Bible, there’s a time for peace. There’s a time for war. You know, there’s a time to stand up. There’s a time to zip it and sit down. There’s a time to be bold, like Esther walked in boldly and there’s a time to not say anything. I’m Esther such time as this stand boldly. She stood boldly for her people and God heard her so Where to stand boldly accepting Second Corinthians 714 that we pray, and you know, with supplication and prayer and fasting and God will he’ll hear from heaven and he will hear us and He will heal our land. That’s what we need in this country we need to heal our land for great harvest to come. Because I do agree with you i don’t think this is the end yet I don’t think we’re you know, we’re not tribulation yet. But we are awfully close. They’re awfully awfully close. The signs are, are everywhere, we’re very, very close to finding out who the Antichrist is and all that tribulation, all that persecution, it’s all coming and those who indoor till the end shall be saved. So indoor, prepare yourself because with all the food that we have, now that this there’s going to come a time where we we won’t be able to buy ourselves because we won’t have the mark of the beast. People are not prepared for that. You know, the nominal Christians that just go to church here and there and call themselves a Christian go bear you know, go to church think they’re saved and and don’t know the word don’t know the Lord. Giving up food and giving up luxuries and apartment. Heat electricity not many it’s those those who indoor till the end will be saved. So it’s gonna be hard time but prepare yourself now.

Santiago Leon
Very self now in the Lord gave you strength and boldness and if you guys didn’t have any prayer prayer requests or any praise reports or if you want to talk about how much God has touched you to this podcast and the message that Anna gave you know, please shoot us a message via Twitter at Insta Bible app one on Facebook. You should just message and you can visit our website. And yeah, and what is the best way for people to reach you online?

Annie Khait
The best way to reach me would be through Twitter. DM me, I answer all my DMS and I mean us all sometimes it’s funny sometimes I get messages from atheists. sticks reaching looking for in searching for god I’ve gotten on the phone with many of them and talked about the Lord and you know, I’m so I am very I answer when you guys you know you can email me as well but definitely do me YouTube, check out my YouTube channel the Lord had me start Bible studies we do Mondays and Wednesdays 2pm eastern time sometimes we go an hour sometimes we go three hours to talk about the best or

Santiago Leon
whatever the Lord guides you know,

Annie Khait
we don’t we don’t box the Holy Spirit we say, Go have your way we are listing we’re humble students wanting to learn hungry for your word hungry for what you have to say during this time. Hungry to dig deeper and get rooted into the word because there will come a time where they’ll be throwing Bibles as they’re doing now into the fire and you never know if they’ll come to your house or your Bibles. You got to have the Bible. Everything written in your heart.

Santiago Leon
Yeah, yeah, quite a quite a time we’re live in and I could tell you who have a Twitter ministry. You know, and what it feels like a lot of people have been opened up to God during this pandemic, obviously being shut down. I’ve been seen hearing stats that like the online services have been going up for a lot of churches out there. And of course, a lot of new I guess ministries are starting online. Now people have access, you know, because they’re at home but you know, things are getting better, thank God. But hopefully, you know, when things open up, people will go to church and fellowship, which is good. With other Christians. Um, tell us what church you go to up in New York City.

Annie Khait
I go to Times Square church.

Santiago Leon
Good church. Wilkerson, David Wilkerson, classic.

Annie Khait
And yeah, Pastor Carter now Tim zelena. So it is such a spiritual church, actually, for a year when I just got saved. I was looking for a church in New York, I went to a bunch of them one of them being Hillsong and walk right out. And I kept trying to feel the Holy Spirit and I was being you know, I was studying on my own online with under astroworld Pastor Carter, actually, I didn’t know who pastor Carter was, I don’t know that he was the pastor of Time Square church at the time. So I was looking for a church and the Lord kept bringing up pastor Carter, my YouTube. And he took on the Lord is like, search where he where he’s a pastor. And I was like, Oh, he’s probably a pastor in Georgia. There’s no point like, there’s no good pastors in New York. I’ve been to so many of them. And the Lord’s like, look where he is. And so I looked him up. And I was shocked these in Times Square. So I walked in that church and the first second I walked into that set, like when the doors open and walked into the actual congregation, that auditorium, I felt the presence of the Lord. It was so strong, I was at Whoa, finally, a spiritual church. So a man it’s a great, great spiritual church, but there are actually a few few really spiritual churches in New York that I found out later.

Santiago Leon
Yeah, and hard in New York is tough. It’s a tough town they say, but I know that anyone you know, who as Lord can make it through and thanks.

Annie Khait
Yeah, I’m sorry to cut you off. It’s not denominational there’s like so many different people different backgrounds and you walk in it’s straight love. And

Santiago Leon
you see the movie like the Switchblade. You know,

Annie Khait
it’s funny, I have not seen it yet. I actually have the book. I’m gonna read the book and I’m gonna watch the movie as well. That’s on my list. I have the book on my table.

Santiago Leon
Yeah, very good movie. My watched a couple years ago. Definitely very inspiring. And, you know, school of hard knocks in New York chorus guy can move anywhere in New York City. I think it’s going on over there. I know. There’s been a couple of, you know, of course, there’s the whole riots. But no, there’s been a lot of prayer going on in the city in New York and needs it a lot. And we pray for the Best New York is the greatest city in the world, and we hope for the best for it and be revival coming soon. Well anyways, and I really appreciate you coming to the on to the Bible cast.

Annie Khait
I am. It’s been an honor and a pleasure to be with you guys. God bless you and may the peace of Christ be upon you. Have a wonderful, wonderful day. Man,

Santiago Leon
amen guys have a great weekend and we’ll see you next time.

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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