Episode #11: Unite in Christ!

InstaBible Podcast
InstaBible Podcast
Episode #11: Unite in Christ!

In this episode, Eric Ryan Olson from JMTD.biz joins us and talks about being United in Christ during tough times.

Verse of the Day

Leviticus 19:18 – “Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.

Show Notes

  • The Proof is in the Fruit
  • Pray for Cultural Christians
  • 20/20 Vision – Perfect Clarity


Santiago Leon
Is the Bible cast? June 26 2020, summer has started. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe and all our channels Periscope. You can like our page on Facebook and hit that subscribe button on iTunes. This is also a podcast and put a review, beautiful review, and also five stars while you’re at it. It will help us out tremendously to move this up in the rankings and visit us on the instant Bible app.com website where you can see a bunch of devotionals we transcribe this devotional cast and we also post a verse of the day And also any church, World News positive. Encouraging in Jesus name and of course you could get this is the Bible app on the iOS App Store. Apple App Store which Apple this week had a few announcements under latest OS is so should be pretty exciting. We’ll be updating app around the time when. When the update iOS will come out in the fall time or late summer. The verse of the day is Leviticus 1980s do not seek revenge or bury grudge against anyone on your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. Today’s guest is our frequent regular guests. We’ve got Eric wine Olson from Idaho. Eric, welcome to survival cast.

Eric Olson
Thank you so much Santiago. Always a pleasure and a joy to be here

Santiago Leon
GMT d dot biz, it is your ministry slash business. Tell us a little bit about that.

Eric Olson
Yes JMTJ MTD is the acronym for Jesus make the difference. And it was originated as the it was the theme of my of my wedding and it continued to be the theme of my marriage. But the Lord began to show my wife and I, we got married on 10 1010 October 10 2010 at university in Virginia Beach, Virginia. But that that theme that phrase, Jesus makes a difference. You He definitely It was very specific to our story. But it was much bigger than us. In fact, for everybody was born again, of course, Jesus difference without the Savior, there is no salvation. And so I could give you go down the list the list of applications of how just exactly how Jesus makes the difference. He’s the only one who died for you. And he’s the only one who conquered death. So those are a few of the major ones, but you can get into a lot of the specifics. And he is the only way the only truth and the only life. The only true eternal life is through Christ. And as john 14 six, Jesus says, No one comes to the Father except through me. So he’s the only face of the Father. So yeah, he’s the only Catholic with eternal life, but yeah, We have Bogo. Look and I submitted your brain just $3 spending on that we are transitioning relaunching. We went through trials. We’ve had some tribulations, but George has been faithful and been pruning us throughout it and we’re excited. It’s been a difficult year of 2020 for us personally as it has for a lot of people because of different things going on especially, you know, the Coronavirus, and perhaps more the bigger trial has come from the government’s you know, response to the crack the virus with the burdensome lockdown and I don’t know, I think there’s a bounce it can be cheap but achieved but that’s for another discussion. This is the Insta Bible cast

Santiago Leon
and another podcast.

Eric Olson
That is another podcast but yeah, that’s the longest short of GMT. Obviously, we are working with some Gago as we’ve shared previously, it’s been, again, a little bit of a slow going right now, but we are excited. We’re

Santiago Leon
getting there, all in the Lord’s timing. We don’t rush things we don’t. We don’t run on the human clock. We run on the Holy Spirit time, and everything has a time and purpose. You know, we don’t write it. Write on a scarcity mindset, we write in an abundance mindset. And the LORD Will Provide and there’s a time for everything. Some people think the end of the world is tomorrow, but it might not be. It could be in 10 years, or it can be in 50 years, but there’s no time to rush. And that’s why we have this cast guys, just to encourage you guys, of course, the rough times through negative news, even through social media. People get discouraged. And I think we want to encourage you guys, Jesus encouraged and we want to encourage you as well. We’ll start this prayer and then what Eric will will will guide us will take this ship This train towards our destination. Lord, we thank you Lord for today Lord, we thank You Lord, whoever’s watching this Jesus speak to their hearts, changed your lives in Jesus name. We pray for for any type of anxiety, Lord, I’ve been hearing anxiety, Lord, that it will be healed Lord, what brings anxieties fear and we pray that that, that you will touch them Lord and they then that and that you would give them faith in Jesus name. There’s no there’s no reason to fear Lord, there’s no reason to fear. Fear not in Jesus name, Lord and bless the word that you have today that you’ve spoken through Eric and his life. Lord, we thank you Lord for Eric. He’s a true, true believer, true disciple. And thank you, Lord, that he could be an example to many other people. And Lord, and and we thank you for the word Lord, because you told us to, to memorize and also to engrave it. In a heart, in Jesus name, amen.

Eric Olson
Amen. Hallelujah. And, Lord, I just want to add to salt the Argos opening prayer that Lord, I ask that you would bring a spirit of Revelation and I ask that you would bring some holy humor into this into Baba Bible podcast Lord, we, a lot of times exhort and share on heavy topics, topics regarding truth, and regarding justice and, and things that are heavy, but Lord, you have a way to bring joy in the midst of the storm. And, and so I just asked for some Lord that you would anoint some spontaneous Divine Comedy, holy, heavenly humor and laughter. That would be as Proverbs says, a good medicine men And Lord, to our hearts. We’re in the midst of all the heaviness that surrounds us. And I asked these things Bob and God, in Jesus name, Amen. Hallelujah. So feel free to chime in with laughter or if you feel an inspiration of something humorous, feel free to chime in. And

Santiago Leon
yes, don’t open that door. Again pretty strenuous, but I’m not that bad. So we’ll be at the cabin behind you. So you know you’re writing this, this train.

Eric Olson
And then well, with that in mind, what just came to mind? Well, first of all, I need to get a new phone so I can get my my I have an iPhone six and my instant Bible app that songs the Argos apps for some reason, like I just need to get A newer phone so it’ll get the updates

Santiago Leon
iPhone sc 400 bucks a lot of people have gotten it and it is worth is like having the iPhone 11. But in a smaller screen and I think there’s like a there’s probably one option with the camera there’s less But anyways, let’s not get distracted with, with technology

Eric Olson
distracted with technology, but I am hoping by the end of the summer to have gotten that because I did not know what to pray for that at the end of the show. I say it again,

Santiago Leon
we’ll pray for that at the end of the show for your for your new phone.

Eric Olson
A bring your petitions in your class before and we will pray I’m in agreement with that brother. But what I’ve been what I’m so amazed at how good the Lord is and how he uses his word so often to confirm things is so when I’ve done this in the Bible podcast with you Santiago, you know in previous weeks, oftentimes when you share the verse, it aligns With the theme that the Holy Spirit is putting my heart to exhort, to share, and so as you shared the entire Bible, verse of the day, Leviticus 1918 I believe it was right. Yeah.

Santiago Leon
God works through algorithms, doesn’t it?

Eric Olson
Right God is the God of numbers, mathematics, color, beauty, all everything. He is the ultimate. Yes, he algorithm, mathematician and artists and author anyway, but you read it and the beautiful right there in the Torah in Leviticus. With Leviticus A lot of times people see it as a very you know, the book is a lot of just the law. Of course, it’s a lot of you shall not do this, you shall do this. And it’s just a very, you know, nuanced, nitty gritty about every situation and circumstance you could possibly think about and it can seem tedious. On the surface, but while you when the Holy Spirit starts illuminating things and connecting it to the heart of God and the New Covenant, it’s pretty profound. It’s beautiful. And what’s beautiful about the life of Jesus when you read the New Testament, or during the lockdown earlier, you know, I went through the whole Old Testament afresh. And I listened to it from the beginning of Genesis all the way to the end of Molokai, and I also was reading it. I was like, listen to the audio Bible, read it. And the Lord was just giving me fresh revelation. And I was like, Wow, it was just hitting me how much Jesus and the New Testament. Of course, it quotes, all the Old Testament, not all every single verse, but it quotes the tour, the New Testament references. Jesus Himself, of course, he had the Torah, and he would reference the Torah. He would reference the prophets. He would reference the Psalms, and then a lot in the gospels, there’s there are direct quotes from the Old Testament. So it’s this beautiful A continuation that God established it’s mind blowing, the deeper we dig the more revelations there is. So with that being said, as the Bible verses the day, you know, you shall not take vengeance as something read right or do not bear any grudge, right? Or having unforgiveness against any of the children, you know, or any of the peat your people or you know any person, but you should love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord. Wow, what a verse and that verse is quoted in parts of that verse is quoted multiple times throughout the new test.

Santiago Leon
I thought I was reading a New Testament verse at the time when I say reading that Oh, wait, that’s Old Testament.

Eric Olson
Old Testament, New Testament. It’s absolutely New Testament but it was this is the first you know mentioned of the statement and this statement is so important. Because it is referenced multiple times in the New Testament, it’s something that is very important to the heart of God. And he said, if we follow Christ, then this because not every statement in Leviticus, of course, is referenced in the New Testament. Not every statement in in Deuteronomy are numbers. There’s a lot of stories that don’t have any mention in the New Testament. But the verses that do have special emphasis from God, and the verses that are quoted in the New Testament from the Old Testament are things that deal with the heart, the, the, the position, and the condition of our heart. And the Lord references in the New Testament in Romans 12, Hebrews 10, many other places that do not take vengeance. The Lord says Vengeance is mine, right? So if we’re a people of the kingdom of God, the Lord is saying, Do not take vengeance right. Don’t try to avenge yourself, Benjamin Mines I will pray that the Lord and it’s in reference to this verse in Leviticus says in Hebrews 1030 A Romans 1219 other places yeah

Santiago Leon
and in which like one verse I really, really thought about, which is kind of references to this little bit is you know, I fry you know, just turn like the other cheek type of like that verse What did that Jesus said,

Eric Olson
Come straight out of the Sermon on the Mount brother. Exactly. Jesus says, You’ve heard it said you know, I for eye and a tooth for tooth but I tell you do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. So don’t repay evil with evil, but return it was good. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles, right. This is the heart of Christ. And this gets me into the the title of today’s In the Bible Devotional, which is you three words, unite in Christ, don’t unite in some movement, or some trend, or some propaganda that isn’t enticing your emotions and saying, Hey, we need to bring justice to these in justices. Well, what does that mean? Are you bringing vengeance, the Lord says, Don’t do that. And who will repay. And if we’re trying to bring justice in our own strength, a lot of times we get into vengeance and we’re trying to repay evil with evil. And the moment you do that you’re not in the mind of Christ. You’re not in the heart of God, you have fallen into a trap of evil one. anyone listening, do not fall into those traps because if you fall into the trap that you want, you’re going to it’s only going to bring bring evil upon your head. You will fall into the judgment of God, you’re trying to bring justice. And a lot of times these movements only bring more injustice, and it doesn’t make anything better. And for the thing is God is sovereign. And if we seek Him and exalt Christ, vengeance is mindset the Lord. And it’s not just vengeance on the Day of Judgment. It does include that, but he will change society. See, a lot of these movements are not following the way of Christ. See Martin Luther King, Jr. We look at his speeches. He was a pastor. He was a Reverend, that we know he wasn’t a perfect man if you study his life, but he exhausted God, he had non violent movements, and what changed the society what changed the south to change the Jim Crow laws. It wasn’t tearing down statues. It wasn’t setting fire to buildings, it wasn’t threatening people and say we’re we have this list of demands and we’re gonna make vengeance. No, that would have just caused absolute destruction. No, it opened people people’s eyes and God changed people’s hearts. And he brought justice to society. And remember this, God prefers to have mercy. God prefers to for people repent. But when you’re when you join a movement that is threatening people and saying we’re going to intimidate you, and we’re going to manipulate you, and you see more people falling in line out of fear of man rather than fear of God, I’m telling you, it’s not going to end well. It’s not going to it’s going to bring more injustice. Do not be deceived, right. God cannot be bought. What is it? What is asked yourself? The Bible says test all things tested the spirit bind movements behind agendas, what is the spirit behind some of these movements? Do you think that is really the Holy Spirit leading some of these movements that we see emerging? No. If anybody who’s objective and honest know the the spirit behind a lot of these movements and the big ones that you’re seeing corporations get behind, and you see social media You know, promoting it. And I’m not gonna say any specific names. But if you have any discernment, you can put two and two together. That is anti christ spirit that wants to actually persecute people who stand with Christ. So if you believe in Christ and you’ve been enticed into some of these movements, I in Jesus name that your eyes be open. And I encourage you to repent and turn to the Lord. Do not be deceived, don’t be led astray by people pressuring you, intimidating you or manipulating your emotions. You know, Christ, that is that is the three words uniting Christ. That’s the heart of God, that you are not you. We we all would unite with others in Christ, from other nationalities, from other ethnicities from other languages, seeing revelations that have been there will be reading Senators in heaven, from every tribe, every tongue, and every nation that have been united in Christ that are set up in Washington, the blood of the Lamb that has put their faith in the Lord Jesus and been filled with the Holy Spirit, that out of this world, and their primary identity was not their nationality, not their ethnicity, not the color, color of their skin, not their gender, not any political party, but Christ Jesus who conquered death and conquered the evil one. That’s what God is the movement of the kingdom of heaven. Everything else is a deception. Everything else is a propaganda by the god of this age, which this in this world which is perishing, The kingdom of heaven is eternal. And so if you’re a follower of Christ, what happened is happening, God is exposing who are just superficial cultural Christians. And there’s a uncoming where the chasm is going to get greater and greater You’re not going to be able to have one foot in the kingdom of God and one foot in the world, it’s going to get wider and wider the difference and you’re going to have to choose to have both feet with Christ and I stand firm with the Lord. And I may suffer persecution from those in these other camps of the world that are being led by the evil one, or do I turn my back on Christ? And I joined the camps of the tribe of the evil one. If you say, you know what, I’m still professing Christ, but you’re supporting movements that do everything against him. Know, the proof is in the fruit. The proof is in test the spirit there have in your conscience is going to be you’re not those who really have faith that want to walk with the Lord. You’re not going to be able to justify following any of these movements. You’re going to have to make a choice. You’re not going to be able to stay in the valley of decision, as it says in the prophet Joel multitude during the valid decision. Meaning they haven’t made a decision. They’re trying to say, Well, I want to have my cake and eat it too. No, the Lord is bringing a time where you’re gonna have to make a decision. The time of gray area, the time of look, warmness is coming to an end, you see things wrapping up, you see things, widening the division, and that’s what the world that’s what the enemy does divide and conquer. Right? Jesus says, a house divided, can not stand. So these are, these are the plans of the enemy. And I’m telling you, the people of the Lord, we might have differences that nuanced differences, but on superficial doctrines, right, or peripheral things of importance. But if we agree on the pillars of our faith, who Christ is, God in the flesh, the nature of Christ, he’s divine. He’s God, and man, he was born in the virgin he’s the Messiah. Believe upon these three pillars that the Apostle Paul talks about in First Corinthians 15, then we can be united in Christ and have a fellowship of faith in the same spirit of green and believing these three pillars, the nature of Christ again, he’s the Messiah, Son of God, and that the forgiveness of sins, our peace of God comes through, not through our righteousness, or comes through the law, but it comes through the blood of Christ, that pays the price for our sins. And then the third pillar is that God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, never to die, getting eternal life. These are the three pillars. And if we believe can believe and fully believe on these three pillars, we can have unity with another person who believes on these three pillars as well. And the more we see God, the more Holy Spirit will make all things clear. And the power of the Holy Spirit badges the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, destroying the works of the devil, deliverance, evangelism, salvation, advanced in His Kingdom, all these Things will come into more clarity as we grow upon these three foundational pillars. But if someone doesn’t really believe in these terms, and they’re just a cultural Christian, you know, they’re raised in church, but their heart really isn’t in Christ. God is going to he’s exposing that in the season. In this season 2020 what do you think about what we’re in the year 2020 I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. 2020 vision right? When it comes to your your clarity of vision 2020 vision is something you see is with, you know, with lenses, obviously, you notice, if you have 2020 vision, you have perfect clarity, you see things without any blurriness. You don’t need glasses, because you have perfect 2020 vision. We’re in the year 2020. And I believe God is bringing perfect clarity. In this whole year. Yeah, it’s been a year of trials. And that’s part of what happens when there’s trials. It exposes what’s inside of somebody, you can’t hide anymore. So what God is exposing things, making things clear where people’s hearts are, he’s pulling the veil in what we need to do as far as the Christ, we need to keep with repentance, stay close to Jesus not be enticed into these other antichrist movements that might appeal to our flesh, or appeal to our culture, or appeal to our race. Those these are all deceptions of the enemy. And what they do is they divide us from Christ Himself, and they divide us from other believers. It’s the opposite of the will of God, it’s a scheme of the devil, and it’s a trap of the evil one, don’t fall into it. And if you have been enticed to these repetitive thought, while the time while they’re still time repent, so I wanted to read this passage in alignment with all this right? It’s in Romans 15. And just to give the context because Romans 14 The apostle Paul is talking about people who have different opinions about different things right. They both believe in Christ. But one one person’s face allows them to only eat vegetables. I’m summarizing Romans 14 to give you the context, that it leads into Romans 15. Of course, the whole book of Romans is profound and beautiful, and it’s great, you know, dissertation on the gospel. So I encourage you to read it and listen to it from start to finish. But because of the time here, we just, I just want to get into it quickly. Romans 14 is about liberty in Christ. Some brothers some some believers don’t have that full liberty in their conscience. They can only their conscience, for example, all users only allows them to eat vegetables, right? Because they don’t have the freedom of their faith to eat meat, but others have the freedom to eat anything. And the Lord is saying, hey, those who if you both believe in Christ, you shouldn’t condemn the one brother who the person who owns vegetables should not be Then the one who eats meat. And the person who eats meat should not judge, the one who only eats vegetables. Rather, we should be united in Christ, we should love each other. This is the this is the highest level is to love each other. So we can defer to each other. And so I’m, I’m, if I have the face that I can eat anything, as long as it’s submitted, given, you know, and thanks to God, right, I want to do stuff. I don’t want to eat things that would be bad for my body. But as far as my conscious eating meat or eating it, it’s not it’s not not sin. Right. So but then that transitions into right, the great verse that Paul and Romans 14 was saying, right, I’m blessed it is the man and blesses the person who does not condemn themselves by what he approves. Romans 1422 right. But then the last verse, Romans 14.3, but he who doubts is condemned if he eats because he does not eat Faith, for whatever is not from faith is sin. Right? So these movements are they from faith? Well, faith in what faith and who is so and if God approves of it, we got to be real careful that we’re not approving of something that God disapproves of. Right. So then going into Romans 15, and I, jumping up to verse five, and I read the following. This is from the ni v here, may the God Romans 15, five, may the God who gives endurance and encouragement, give you the same attitude of mind towards each other, that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one boy, you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. For seven, except one another, then just as Christ accepted you in order to bring praise to God. All right, I can keep reading. I want to jump rough up to verse 13. And I will conclude it with this verse.

Santiago Leon
Take your time, Eric, take your time. It’s good. Oh, okay, I thought I was gonna have a half hour hardline here. So but yeah, just you know, we’ll do time.

Eric Olson
Okay. Thank you. So this is a great memory verse and you can memorize it in different translations but it’s cuz it says it slightly different different translations Romans, chapter 15, verse 13, I love this verse, may the God of all hope, fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust in Him. Some translations say as you believe in him, that you may overflow with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit. That what a great exhortation What a great blessing. What a great prayer. We should pray that and I want to pray that, Father God, they all who are listening in their own Your children what? May we you overthrow them and overflow us? overflow Santiago when I with your hope, the hope of your Holy Spirit comes from your Holy Spirit Lord, those who have lost faith in you, those who have been discouraged or gone in two different directions, Lord, they’ve stopped trusting you daily they’ve stopped believing in you. Even if they intellectually say they do. Their hearts aren’t and they’ve lost that peace of God. They’ve lost the joy of the Lord, and they’ve lost the hope of eternal life. They’ve lost the hope of the Holy Spirit. Lord, would you grant them repentance, to return to you to put their trust and faith fully in you to forgive those that have wronged them or they perceive that wrong then, and to trust you for justice and mercy? And may you give us the joy of the Lord, that would be our strength. May you give us the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, and then you overflow our cups of coffee. Mind with that living hope to avoid that and let it overflow out of us into all those we encounter our family, our friends, our neighbors, and even strangers that we encounter even those that may persecute us. Let us not fall into fear, or depression or vengeance, but let us maintain that love and hope to even pray for our enemies and for those that persecute us, Lord Jesus as you did, and if you tell us to do more, and we ask that you would bring a great awakening to our land, in this year and in the coming years, perfect clarity 2020 vision in the year 2020. Lord, you’re shaking things up and you’re awakening things up Lord, a great awakening, a great revival, Lord, and help us to all play our roles to get in alignment with what you’re doing, Lord, Lord, we just forgive all those that have wronged us right now, and I Pray that right now. anybody listening? I just encourage you right now, anybody in your heart, whether it’s a family member, you’re looking even at a politician or something. And you’re, you’re saying, Oh, I have so much hate for this person I want to take vengeance on. That’s not the way the Lord, I just encourage you right now to say, I forgive them, Lord, I release them into your hands. And if you want to take it even farther level, as the Lord Jesus does pray a blessing over then. Well, we prayed the lessons over those who have persecuted us who have wronged us who we feel have done evil things or guys, you see the hearts or God. So he trust your justice and your mercy. We don’t take vengeance. empower us to walk in your love, Lord, open those eyes or God and knees and say Christ movements that are not about your kingdom but are actually about destroying your kingdom and destroying those who are in your kingdom. When we pray you to expose them, expose the spirit behind them, and let people need to see more wake people up, that they would have their hearts fully trusting in you, and that they would want to win people to Christ, not to political or propaganda movement. Lord, we trust you, Father God, we thank you. And we ask all these things. In Jesus mighty name, amen.

Santiago Leon
Let’s keep this keep praying in Jesus name we pray for the sick. Lord, we pray for any healing Lord, we pray for anyone that has stomach pain in Jesus name. They’ve been dealing with stomach pain for years, Lord, we pray right now healing in Jesus name. And if you need to, you know, take that step of faith. Jesus says get up and walk. Go No, that’s what it takes. If you are hurting financially, give in Jesus name. Yes. We pray, Lord, for the families. We pray for unity in the families in Jesus name and the couple out there. This think about splitting or thinking about or habit or has split. In Jesus name we pray for unity. We pray for forgiveness between the between each other and the family in Jesus name. We prayed that Lord like you soften their hearts and receive it. Lord, soften my heart say that soften my heart and forgive. Just like Eric said, and the Bible said actually, a house can not count if it’s divided. We also pray what Eric mentioned about cultural Christians or Jesus we pray touched their heart whatever, you know, someone cultural cushions come from, you know, Piquet’s, they usually like their parents or ministers and they just you know, they just kind of wander off but they’re in the church but in Jesus name we pray that they could find a find like the love of Christ again in Jesus name. Hi. They experience Holy Spirit Phil. Lord, we thank You, Lord for today for your miracles. Lord, we thank you for today’s miracles in this podcast like going on mentally, physically, spiritually. In Jesus name we pray for healing, complete healing Eric, as you have anyone, anything else to pray for healing wise? Go ahead.

Eric Olson
Yes. Oh, I just get a sense you know, there’s some people out there that are really struggling with migraine headaches and just headaches at different levels. And just right now I you know, the Bible says lay hands on those were areas of sickness so you can lay hands on yourself and just, I just come into agreement with the power of God the Holy Spirit and I say headache be gone in Jesus name on all pressure, all inflammation of all brain on pain how brain pain be removed in Jesus name. And just call upon the name of Jesus. And thank him for his healing. He paid the price and across not only for our sins, but for our sicknesses, every form of infirmity. And as the Word says, By His wounds we have been, we have been healed. We have been healed in Jesus name. And so that’s from every form of disease, every form of oppression. And a lot of times Hey, sometimes a if we work out you’re going to have enough muscles to fatigue and soreness. And that’s fine that there’s a natural time to recover you need maybe need rest and water, but a lot of times there’s a spirit of pain, there’s a spirit of migraine headaches and and i’m not against taking Tylenol or ibuprofen, but a lot of times those things just to date, the symptoms but they don’t deliver us. So Lord is a deliverer He wants us to trust in Him, first and foremost, not as a last resort. But as a first impulse our hearts turned to the More. So any migraine and confusion and just all these things are the battlefield of the mind has Joyce Meyers book is, and regardless of what you think of Joyce Myers or style, she shares a lot from the Word of God like a lot of people do. They’re they, we might disagree in certain things, but people we should unite in Christ again. And so I think sometimes headaches come from if you’re a believer, but you’re double minded. Right? It says in James, you should not expect to receive anything from the Lord, if you’re double minded about things. Right. And if you’re not receiving things from the Lord, sometimes we’re receiving things from the world are the evil one. And we think we’re receiving good things emotionally, or the praise of people, but you also might be receiving a headache or infirmity because we’re double minded, and we’re not focused on the Lord. So just if that if you resonate with that or feel conviction, Holy Spirit conviction that that may be true of you. Repent of being double minded, and turn to the Lord. He wants to deliver you completely. He wants us all to walk in it the power of His Holy Spirit, that we would not satisfy the lust of the flesh. walk in the light as he’s in the light, that we would not be deceived or deceivers in the darkness. So be free, and free indeed. In Jesus name.

Santiago Leon
Amen. Yeah. And like, you know, some of you guys out there that you know that a doctor might have told you or a person or a friend or even your parents told you that you can’t do this because you have restrictions. Because you have this mental illness now. Take a step of faith. receive from God. Yeah. You see from Jesus. Yeah. Yeah, Jesus heals that Jesus didn’t heal back in the Bible, you know, 2000 years ago. He’s still heals today. So don’t feel limited. Don’t feel that that’s like the like the like the bowl stops there. No, no, no, you don’t have to. If you seek Healing heal, heal you had that faith, keep going. You know,

Eric Olson
keep going.

Santiago Leon
Wow, you will find exactly, exactly. Wow, really grateful. If you guys have any prayer requests or any praise reports, please submit it below it. And like the comments. Also, if you’re on YouTube in the comments, Facebook as well in the comments, or you can just you know, if you’re on Twitter reply, or you can send us a direct message on Twitter and we’ll love to read it out in the future in the podcast, or if you want, we could always post it on the website, as well. But, but this is really powerful. Eric can tell us a little bit. How can people reach you if they need prayer, or if they like to agree with what you said today?

Eric Olson
Oh a man I always appreciate people’s prayers, their their words of affirmation, encouragement, any, you know, and so we have a Well, our website is gonna be getting updated. I keep saying that and it’s true little by little

Santiago Leon
as you’re able to email Eric, I know the email address is on the homepage at least. Yeah,

Eric Olson
that’s right. It’s just Eric here I see as I like to tell people the pneumonic device to remember my name you cannot smell you cannot spell America without Eric. Okay, so am Eric a right but my website is Eric er, I see at j mpd.bi. z. So really, we’re, our Facebook page is facebook.com forward slash James ed.bi Z, that’ll take you to our Facebook page that we’re going to start posting more content on as well. And as well as our website coming up in this, you know, it’s really going to be transformed and this summer over the coming weeks and months, and we’re going to be my wife and I are, you know, we have children and other things we’re doing but we’re really preparing to step out of faith to go from full time with jm tv.bi z Lord willing this this fall, stepping out with ministry events with portraying Jesus. And also all the products, apparel, and artwork, we do artwork as well that everything that points people did use everything that exalts the Word of God and exalts the name of Jesus. And so yeah, we would appreciate your prayers and any prayer requests you have. Yeah, email me, if you want. If you’d like to inquire about ministry, I’ve ministered all over. And the words of Christ anybody that has received me has been blessed by by the words of the Lord and by the Ministry he’s given me. So yeah, if you want to inquire about that, please email me as well. And, and perhaps the Lord open a door at your church at your home or your fellowship, and that would be awesome. So that’s my heart and I love history with what the gifts and the calling is giving me.

Santiago Leon
Yeah Eric Eric definitely you know speaks at all different kinds of venues I see him at parks churches at theaters anywhere that wherever you guys meet I know churches are meeting in in in usual and and unusual areas like movie theaters sometimes at bars I think I’ve seen a church to meet at a bar but hey, you know, if you’re in the presence of God, it could touch that person coming after that church is over and in maybe touched a person’s heart. You know, you’ll always hear those testimonies. And of course, you can reach us at the instant Bible app.com. And you can have more information about this podcasts, the app itself and, and yeah, anything else about it, and we’re on twitter at Insta Bible app. One is the Bible app one follow us there and also on on, on Instagram, the Insta Bible app. We We We post every week on verse of the day so definitely be encouraged because we need it because we need scripture and scripture is definitely as encouraging is the word of God. You can’t get better than the Word of God. Random poll question of the day is Eric what is what goes best with coconut? Chocolate cake or pie or a? Yeah, chocolate cake or pie

Eric Olson
oh so those are my only two questions right you’re saying only options Yeah.

Santiago Leon
Chocolate cake or pie and or other

Eric Olson
Well, I’m gonna have to go with other

Santiago Leon
one guy. Yeah. What is it

Eric Olson
you know, I like the mixture of you know what you’re saying? Like some type of dessert what

Santiago Leon
it doesn’t have to be dessert. I mean, I’m sure this coconut on salty stuff. It could be something edible, obviously.

Eric Olson
something edible. Yeah. I like Coconut. What are those things? They’re like a cookie. That Mac is they’re not they’re not

Santiago Leon
Yes, I know what you mean. Um, they’re macaroons

Eric Olson
named maca maca root that. Yeah, I mean I it’s if it’s on a cake or a pie

Santiago Leon
yeah macaronis is pretty much on a type of paint it’s not a pastry but it’s like a form of. He’s a sweet either way.

Eric Olson
Yeah it’s this way either way yeah you’re right that’s macaroons

Santiago Leon
right macaroons, which I got from the rest of the year right? What is it? What is it made out of? Besides coconut I mean, it’s probably some flour in it. But

Eric Olson
yeah, flour and there’s different flavored macaroons, and so, but it always macaroon always has some level of coconut. And it to me it’s a macaroon. It’s all about the right ratio, the right balance. If anything gets to Coconut, then for my taste buds, when the coconut dominates the dish or the sweet, then I don’t like it, it’s too much but if it’s kind of the secondary flavor and it’s like the supplement coconut supplement then I’m like you know, but it’s not the dominant flavor but it kind of helps the other one then that then I can really get down with coconut

Santiago Leon
and there you have it macaroons I would go with chocolate. Okay, not a fan of the Allman like the like the almond chocolate one I forget the name of it, but I do like to mix it with chocolate a little bit not too much coconut. I think he’s right at that. I mean, I prefer one fourth coconut and then one four, then like the rest chocolate. I think it’s a good combination with coconut is a it’s pretty solid coconut water people are saying is good. But you

Eric Olson
know the macaroons are so popular. They named a dance after it right. You’ve heard of that, right?

Santiago Leon
What was that? Sorry about that.

Eric Olson
Oh, macaroons are so pop. Killer if I’m not mistaken in the Hispanic culture they named a dance after macaroons right that macaroon right. Wow.

Santiago Leon
I cannot confirm or deny that. Sure. I’m more Americanized, I’d be honest with you. I mean, I know some dance I know some things but you might be right you might have more, you more than I would. Anyways, I want to pray us out. Lord Jesus, we thank You, Lord for this weekend. For next week, Fourth of July coming up, Lord, we pray for unity, like Eric said, and with the family, with relationships with friends, and or with your community in Jesus name. Lord, we we bless. We bless Lord, we thank You Lord, we gave you praise and in Jesus name. Jesus makes a difference. Amen.

Unknown Speaker

Santiago Leon
Eric Ryan Olson, thank you for coming on.

Eric Olson
Thank you, Santiago is the Bible

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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