Eric Ryan Olson from joins us this episode. Eric’s devotional title is, “What is the end of the matter?”.
Verse of the Day
[ Psalm 19 ] [ For the director of music. A psalm of David. ] The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. – Psalm 19:1-2
Santiago Leon
Is the Bible cast June 12 2020 ad? If you haven’t yet, please subscribe and all our channels here to hit like on our Facebook page. Follow us on Periscope and subscribe on iTunes. leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. And of course, visit us on. Visit us on instant Bible app Comm. It’s the Bible have calm and you could get the instant Bible app via the Apple App Store. Today the verse of the day comes from Psalms. The Heavens Declare the Glory of God the skies proclaim the work of his hands every day it will We’ll work with his hands and each day will pour speech it will like every night will reveal knowledge. And that’s
Santiago Leon
19 one through to today we have our regular guests on the Easter Bible cast every week we have guests but sometimes we have the the regulars which I think is a good thing and a very good healthy thing. Okay, Eric Ryan Olson from J MTD biz, Ryan, welcome to the show.
Eric Olson
Welcome brother Santiago and every buddy out there especially all my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. This is the day the Lord has made Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Amen.
Santiago Leon
Which is also a songs isn’t it? Hallelujah. Well, what are we doing? Had we actually what a what a month what appeared we have obviously, you know, a lot going on with the pandemic these past two three months, of course, with issues with rioting and protesting this past, you know, with respects to Mr. Floyd George Floyd. Eric, how have you been these past couple weeks? Have you been out of the pandemic? Are you guys in regular mode? Are you still in the fringes?
Eric Olson
You know, here in Boise Idaho area, you know that we never got hit really hard out here in Idaho. It’s it’s this area, you know, it’s a medium population. I guess the whole Treasure Valley area would be maybe 600,000 or so to grow in area, a nice area but I mean, right now we’re like the total number of cases over this whole thing in the state of Idaho is still under 4000, Keno and heads So there’s some areas where that was like, a weekend for some cities, you know, like, and so for a day, or even a day, yeah, you’re right. And so, you know, our state still took precautions. Now people in Idaho are pretty independent. And, you know, there are a lot about liberty. So you get a pretty good mixture of people out here across the spectrum as far as how they approach different issues, including this one. And so some people are still, you know, electing of their own accord, whereas, I mean, I think Pasco is still you know, there’s stores like Costco and a few others are still requiring people wear masks into their store, but most stores aren’t. And I would say, in my estimation, 90% of the people out aren’t wearing masks. I went back and forth about it. I know you know, my, some of my family members are pretty concerned about the Bible. So, I respect for them, I I sometimes I do wear a mask, but then other times I’m like, on my honesty conviction is, you know, the data changes and I think being outside fresh air, getting, you know, good sunlight and having a high immune system does just as much if not more to help you, you know, defeat the virus or not have it until it just using proper social distancing. But yeah, we are slowly we’re still there I think in they just this past weekend, and it the last phase of reopening, but, like, we have kids, of course, and so like the YMCA reopen but they’re still not letting kids in our church has reopened but they’re still allowing kids and so nothing really, our life is still kind of in the you know, at home with our family, which,
Santiago Leon
which could also be a good thing. You know, to spend more time with your loved ones and, and maybe get to know some things that you didn’t know before or learning some new things. You know how to fix things in the house or how to fix a doorknob or maybe a toilet.
Eric Olson
You’re right. That’s absolutely right. There’s a verse in, you know, the small book in the New Testament, Pillowman. It’s one of these, you know, these one of these one chapter books, you know, and so there’s a verse that says, make the most of all opportunities, right? And so attitude is everything. And if we take every situation to the Lord, he can teach us through every situation, not only a new if we need to fix something, or or have to learn something new on an intellectual or skill level, but also a spiritual revelations from God and all things you know, so I man.
Eric Olson
Amen, brother.
Santiago Leon
Amen. And of course, I’ve been hearing a lot of testimonies These past couple of weeks and months about new revelation. Definitely a lot of trust in the God more a lot of people turn their faith.
Santiago Leon
But yeah,
Santiago Leon
yeah, we’ll get started I’m gonna pray and yes wait to the end we’ll be praying for the sick and you need out there so please stay tuned and we’ll pray and Eric Olson will take this ship to deeper waters Lord, we thank you Lord for today Lord, we thank You for Your mercy and your grace in this moment. Thank you for your healing power that you still save you still heal in Jesus name and whoever’s watching this podcasts or whoever’s listening or whoever’s watching love to be touched. Holy Spirit move through Eric use them. I pray that lives will be changed in Jesus name. Amen,
Eric Olson
Jesus. Amen. That you you’re listening right now and it’s my honor to share with Mahara with you and as me to honor this, I prayed about it and what the verse that came to my heart the phrase is, is a beautiful verse. And, of course, there’s every time in the Bible where something is repeated, there’s, you know, the with Moses, and it’s this this phrase is repeated throughout Scripture says, Let everything be established with two or three witnesses, right? At least two or three witnesses that’s in the Old and New Testament. And so that that goes for not just a matter in social issues, that’s you know, so if there’s two or three witnesses, something you can’t really establish an allegation or evidence of just eyewitness investors. It there’s only one witness and so that principle applies to script itself is if there’s a phrases repeated because God, of course, inspired the word, the Holy Spirit. And so everything in Scripture is inspired by the Spirit of God. So the more there’s a phrase written in different places in Scripture, the more witnesses there are in God is establishing a great and great, greater authority to it. So there’s this great phrase that I feel is very relevant to what is going on in our society in America right now. And I’m going to give you two witnesses in Proverbs here. And it’s if you have your Bible you can go to if you don’t you can listen to I’ll read it, but it’s here in Proverbs, chapter 14, verse 12. And it says this, it says there is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end, it leads to death. Just to read you, give you this Same exact phrase is just another two chapters ahead in Proverbs 1625 it says the exact same thing. There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end, it leads to death. So the title I want to ask you personally, where what is the end of the matter where in so we see these movements going on in society today and we see it being trendy to get on board to get on the bandwagon and go in the direction of protest movements and we see as follows the crime we we get we got this, the troops what they got is what just does and when we take justice into our own hands, we can easily go start going in the wrong direction. It may feel right and we want to bring justice. But the question is what what is the end of that direction? does it lead over a cliff? does it lead to death? As it says in these chapters, the verses here, Proverbs 1412. And again repeated in Proverbs 1625. In the end, right, there’s a way that seems right to man to man’s point of view, right? God, God looks at the heart. man looks at the government Jesus, the Lord spoke to the prophet Samuel right when he was going to know what the next king of Israel in Psalm 16 do not look on the outward appearance don’t look at his height or stature from man looks on the outward appearance, a God sees the heart. So a lot of times we are blinded. We see it we see the injustice in society and we have a sense of what we want to bring to justice. We’ll go to God and seek Him and ask Him to bring justice Then we can we can follow a path, or a group. That might seem right and might seem popular, but God’s Spirit is not leading, it will inevitably lead to death. Then I’d like the Hebrew word there. If you look into the, the original language, the Hebrew word because different translations as I’m reading this out of that 1984 IV, so some translations may say in the end that leads to destruction. And there may be there’s different renderings, but the word for in the end, right the end in Hebrew, the word is aka Reese, right? curries might not be pronouncing it perfectly correct Hebrew in Hebrew, but the word is aka Reese, you can you can look it up for yourself and again mockeries simply means the end of a matter what is the end and so some We can look at in little personal matters, right? So wisdom thinks about the end, right? wisdom thinks about the big picture wisdom that looks up to God as, as Santiago read the beautiful opening, the Insta Bible verse for today those opening words in Psalm 19 right you know the heavens declare the glory, the glory of God, right? The look when you look to look at the heavens, right when you look up the skies, right they have today they send forth their message. When we looked up the it makes us look to God. But a lot of times we don’t look up and listen to what the heavens are saying, right? And look in and consider God. ask God for wisdom. We look at what is going on around us. We want to be accepted by the tribe we want. Or we feel like we’ve been we’ve been socially distancing. We feel isolated. We want to get involved with something our lives become meaningless. So We’re gonna burn it all down, and we’re going to build something better. Be careful, be careful, you might just be joining something that’s leading to destruction. And so where I, my wife, and I’ve prayed about some of the things that have went on some of the police brutality and we’ve just felt the Lord thing. exalt me, exalt Christ. You know, we let your hearts be troubled. And we want to think about before we commit ourselves to something, where will this lead? What is the end of it going to lead to? And a lot of times, right now people, like don’t see where the end is going. They’re just getting involved, and we see how these protests seemingly got hijacked or have been turned into Riot so quickly, and some people were protesting then we’re losing And what happens if it was a pure movement that they should have shut the writing down. But it very quickly devolved into something that’s that doesn’t have a good end. And you saw if you’ve seen the breaking news, what’s going on in Seattle, there’s been a whole six blocks of downtown Seattle that have been hijacked right now. Where’s the end of this movement? Right. It’s it’s, it’s not a good place. And a lot of the, if you study history, a lot of these anti christ movements that sprung up in different countries that killed millions of people, persecuted Christians horribly shut down freedom of speech and freedom of religion. And they started with these movements, that peep that said, they’re going to bring justice and they were communists movements. Were going to bring justice for the people. And then they brought tyranny, absolute tyranny. Because they were allowed to go on and some of the people that started them, and people that got on the bandwagon were some of the first victims. And they would use they would have these fantasies, it seems right, we’re going to bring justice in our own power. And it was, it was a utopian manmade salvation, that only brought death and destruction in the end. But people didn’t. They didn’t look to God, if they would have God would have got them out of it, he would have gave them wisdom. But they they went with what seemed right in the moment. And they would use this phrase, if you hear people showing this phrase, and I’m seeing it, the end justifies the means. The means, right? I don’t know if you’ve heard that. It’s a phrase that a lot of these communist dictators. So what that means it’s absolute antichrist in its spirit, again, the term the end, so there and in their mind, they’re saying, well, the end is going to be this utopia. So it justifies whatever we have to do to achieve It will lie will spill will cheat, will burn will loot will destroy a man’s character, all these things are totally against God. If it achieves what we want in the end, well, they’ll never get their desired end because God won’t allow it. He’ll allow for them to do certain things. So that’s what’s been on my heart, to be honest with you that might not be popular. That might not be what you’re thinking. But that’s what I felt the Lord put on my heart. And I want to I’m praying that God will open people’s eyes that are just seemingly doing what is popular. And when I see all the major corporations, the biggest corporate digital power companies, you know, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, and they’re seemingly supporting this movement without knowing where it’s leading. They’re not doing it. I believe that because these corporations are doing stuff where most of us partake of them. They’re part of our daily lives. We’re consumers, right? And so they’re supporting us like, well, we have to, we have to be in agreement because if we don’t maybe we’ll get censored maybe we’ll get kicked off their platforms, but they’re doing it to protect they’re not they’re doing it out of their own corporate interests, right. They’re not doing if it’s against their interests, they’re they think they’re gonna be gonna be on the they’re doing what seems right to their Corporation, but I think if they’re not careful, they may be feeding the beast right? And if you appease a mob, you only increase the mob. And then if you’re in agreement with the mob, then you have to meet all the mobs demands. So anyway, these are things to consider before we start to, to support a movement because it’s trendy. So God looks at the heart. He does God knows all of us he create yet we all have a color of our skin. We all there’s different Isn’t those are beautiful and God created diversity. But what links us what connects us together in unity in Christ? It’s the Holy Spirit. It’s our hearts. Why have a brotherhood with Santiago it’s, it’s a unity of faith. And we have differences culturally in our background. But what’s deeper than those things, those surface level things, those those superficial things are, that is where our foundation of who we are, is built upon Christ. And that’s who it should be with, and that’s with my wife as well. And that’s with anybody who’s close in my life that I’m really close with is it’s the it’s the connection of the Spirit. So that’s my foundation. And I want to close with a New Testament story. There were two of disciples of Jesus that were influenced by the antichrist spirit that want to hijack Jesus movement. Real quickly, in closing, connecting the thought about there’s a way that leads that there’s a way that seems right to man but in the end, it leads to death. Right and quick with it before so we can transition into prayer. So a lot of people want to Jesus Of course, including his own disciples, if you’re the Messiah, they want him to overthrow Rome, right? They want we want you to bring justice to the Jews. They’ve been oppressed and we we want to King we want to Kings gonna bring this, you know, restored to Israel to its glory on earth. And they didn’t understand Jesus. Well, I’m coming I’m gonna first I’m coming as a lamb I’m gonna, I’m gonna be a suffering servant. That was the first call of the Messiah, right? Yes, he’s a conquering King, but first, his first kingdom to conquer is going to take away the power of the evil. He’s going to get the spiritual kingdom first. And then if the kingdom that’s not just temporal, it’s an eternal kingdom. But even Peter right, Peter, Peter was influenced The evil one you can read it in Matthew 16, right? Jesus rebuked Peter Jesus. Yeah. Um, Peter had heard from, you know, he said Jesus was the Messiah and Jesus praise them since you’re right. Flesh and blood is not reveal this to you. And then Jesus says, Yeah, I’m gonna go up to Jerusalem, I’m gonna be arrested, beaten, and I’m going to, I’m going to be crucified. And on the third day, I’m going to be raised from the dead. Peter interrupts him. It says, never Lord, no, Jesus, you’re wrong. You’re wrong. You’re You’re the Messiah. And Jesus, you can read it, read it for yourself. And Matthew 16 says, Get behind Me, Satan, you have you do not have in mind things of God. The only the things is man, you are a stumbling block to me. So you see how the verse in Proverbs right connects Peter was being influenced in that moment. He thought he had a way that he seemed right to him, no Jesus. He was being influenced by a different spirit in that moment, antichrist spirit Satan. He didn’t recognize it, but it seemed right to him. But he didn’t see where it end right? And he wasn’t thinking about God. Maybe that’s where you are listening maybe I see a lot of Christians that are posting in there they’re not posting about God in in the in the right spirit I posted about that we’re gonna be very Vengeance is mine saith the Lord and it’s the fallen into that trap that Peter did. And if they look to the Lord said you’re not safe you do not have in mind the things of God you’re having the mind that things have mad right now. And if your eyes were open up this path leads to death. So many eyes be opened up. And so Jesus rebuked them, but Peter didn’t repent at first, right? They get up to the Last Supper And Jesus says, you know, you’re all going to leave. Right? And Peter says, No, Lord, I’m never gonna leave you. Oh go to death with you. And Jesus says it’s very nice. You’re gonna deny you know me three times. And you know what happens? You keep reading Peter Cook His own sword he still wants to defend in his own. He wants to defend Jesus and his own power. He cuts off the air of one of the Roman guards. Jesus kills them and he rebuked Peter again. He said, those who live by the sword die by the sword. Right? And then Peter runs off, but he still thinks he’s still gonna say Jesus. He denies even those Jesus three times right there, the cowardness came out, and he was in self preservation mode. Jesus was right. Now Peter repented. Peter repented, God set him free. And of course, we know, Peter was chosen by God to be the keynote speaker on Pentecost. But he had to overcome the fear of man trying to please man and try to do Brent trying to bring justice in his own power. God is the one who brings justice and God prefers mercy over justice. Because we try to do justice in our own hands will only bring more justice. All right, the other one was influenced by the Antichrist. Was Judas a scared, right? He wanted he was a zealot. He wanted Jesus to do a revolution to but but Judas didn’t repent, and Judas betrayed Jesus. And then Judas took justice into his own hands, and his final act of self righteousness and hung themselves. And it says, of course, that Satan entered Judas. So it’s very clear in the text, that both were influenced by the Enter Christ spirit, if we’re not careful, we can be as well. We can be caught up in a moment, what seems right in our human eyes, if we don’t take it to God will be led to a path that leads to destruction that leads to death. So I want to pray for repentance for for you out there, that if we got our eyes off of Jesus, that we would redirect our focus. And and if we don’t want to be apathetic, no, we want to ask God for justice. But he’s the one that will bring it but then our hearts will get filled with hate. So far, right now those listening, open up their eyes, open up all their eyes. What’s been send a spirit of repentance and revival and I pray for those that are caught up in these movements that are leading to death. Those who who use called like Peter, but are being influenced by the antichrist spirit Lord opened their eyes to the evil that has been infiltrated into those movements, open their eyes to see where it’s leading, and give them a spirit of contrition like Peter, and where they would print, repent and turn to you and your will would be done in their lives call the Protestants home father. We pray for salvations and for your body, your Christians, your sons and daughters who are with the Holy Spirit. Help us to just send out a call for revival for salvation for our own only true self is in is in the name of Jesus. And you’re the only one Lord who can bring through just so we pray for revival. We pray that people that that there would be great repentance over our leaders of all different worldviews, all different titles. And I thank you for what you’re doing, Lord, I was blessed to see some of the roundtable in Dallas with these African American faith leaders and ministries with with President Trump. Yesterday, I pray you would help people to see the recording of that online mode. That was inspiring your name was lifted up at the church of Robert Morris, in Dallas. Look, I pray for more of that, Lord. We do pray and there’s a desire for it for the road. Police officers that are making a bad name for the police officers in America that. Those cops would be exposed and that that that would not be tolerated, that police brutality would not be tolerated Lord, but we pray that those agendas to, to bring chaos and disorder into our society and to bring more death and destruction, that you would shut down those voices, you would expose them and that they would get no further traction, Lord, and they would be exposed as well. We pray for just great stories of reconciliation of redemption, a revival in that you turn this moment, this time of 2020 into a perfect moment, a moment of clarity, where you expose the truths of people’s hearts. And people would be unashamed and unafraid to exalt and lift up the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ entered worship you and spirit in a truth. So we ask that you would release new songs of worship. have new friendships of faith, new connections of ministry, that your body would live for your kingdom, that your will would be done on earth as it is in heaven and all of our lives Lord, and we will not be caught up in these distractions Lord and and that people that are in churches one way or the other that are missing the mark about your kingdom and they’re getting caught up in manmade political movements that are dangerous and being motivated by the antichrist spirit. They might even use biblical language but perverting it in the wrong way and twisting it will ask Lord that you would expose that in those who you have in their Lord that are you would convict them to get out that they would not go down with ships that they would not they would get out of the fire. They would get out before it burns to the ground. Thank you, Lord. We trust you We love you and we ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Santiago Leon
And Lord we also pray Lord for for any healing out there Lord any cancers any addictions any back pain yes his name anyone that’s watching watching this stream or also listening or watching the replay Lift your hands and receive in Jesus name Lord healing will come
Eric Olson
healing common Holy Spirit is as any word of knowledge about the wants to speak out Santiago is to a person a specific person that has a specific issue whether it’s a physical healing or an addiction that you want to set them free up. I ask that you would bring a word of knowledge to us to speak that out right now in Jesus name. In Jesus name, Lord,
Santiago Leon
and Lord. We pray for anyone out there Lord, that is seeking help is looking at the wrong places that they’re there for all for Four out of nowhere, that they were scrolling down and they were seeing this stream. It could be on Twitter, it could be on Facebook or even on YouTube. Lord, touch them,
Eric Olson
touch them and hear them. Sean laughed at me. So I just would come in to me as mental illness and the Lord can restore your mind. If you struggle with bipolar disorder, manic depressive, you know, let your foundation be Christ, meditate on the Word of God and be free in Jesus name. The Lord will give you stability. The Lord is bringing stability to you right now. It just command a spirit of bipolarism to get off of you in Jesus name, and Lord, thank you for restoring. I just feel the sense of a young woman, a woman that really struggles with bipolar ism The Lord is bringing equal equilibrium to your mind The Lord is bringing peace to your heart in Jesus name. You have authority in Christ, stand on his name, stand on his word, confess his name, and take authority over every attack of the enemy put up that shield of faith, to quench every fire. Eat one word says it, be free. Be free. My sister be three, in Jesus name, and Jesus name and we break
Santiago Leon
that spirit of fear. behind most of mental illness is fear. And fear lonely gray that you casts out all fear. And you bring faith in love Jesus. Fear not, young lady. Fear. Yeah, not. Jesus. Amen.
Eric Olson
Oh, yeah.
Santiago Leon
Wow, we’re, we’re going a little bit over time. Not NFL style. We were going a little bit over time, but Wow. What a blessing. I want to say thank you very much Eric Olson I gotta jump into the sports cast which is like the next hour, but definitely motivate I’m definitely motivated go into the sports guys. Oh wait one more time. Eric, one more thing, what is the best way to reach you online and how they can support your ministry.
Eric Olson
Thank you so much. Big changes JSP DZJ MTD sensor Jesus makes a difference z this coming week I in Jesus name. Just check the updates the website. Santiago is helping me and we’re gonna be making big changes real soon here. And so yeah, check the website, email me at Eric at Jim z to reach me personally.
Santiago Leon
also go to his Facebook page. There are some videos posted recently and very good videos.
Eric Olson
Yes, my wife me and my wife.
Santiago Leon
Yes, April and Eric are definitely doing big things in Idaho but not just Idaho. Nationwide going across the nation recently to Indiana, also get into radio stations not just on this the Bible cast, but also in different channels. But anyways, let’s let’s go on with prayer and rejoice and Lord Jesus we thank you Lord for today. We bless everyone out there the letter rejoice and this precious weekend coming up. In Jesus name, Eric Olson. God bless you.
Eric Olson
God bless love y’all.
Transcribed by